
Hi Y'all, 
          	The newest chapter of The Alpha and Her Beta has been released on Patreon. Chapter Sixty-One.


@ ZA_Dresden  ooooh im so happy to heere that.... sounds like a high action job and very fun....


@CamillaJonsson810 Yes, I worked in a blood lab- medical science. Now I'm a medic for the army, doing real medical work. It's super cool and super fun, I'm enjoying myself. :)


@ ZA_Dresden  wow thats a huuuge jump.... didnt u work something something sience? To millitary thats cool....


Just purchased the rise of azreal on amazon. Been trying to get a copy of the rise of the grim reaper, sequel to the alpha that calls me pup since you started selling copies on amazon, unfortunatelythe english amazon site didnt have any but i was in luck when i went  into the american one.  



Hi Y'all, 
          The newest chapter of The Alpha and Her Beta has been released on Patreon. Chapter Sixty-One.


@ ZA_Dresden  ooooh im so happy to heere that.... sounds like a high action job and very fun....


@CamillaJonsson810 Yes, I worked in a blood lab- medical science. Now I'm a medic for the army, doing real medical work. It's super cool and super fun, I'm enjoying myself. :)


@ ZA_Dresden  wow thats a huuuge jump.... didnt u work something something sience? To millitary thats cool....


this message may be offensive
Holy shit, It's been a minute!
          I've taken a rather long break... But thanks to that I feel like my writers block is practically nonexistent. Speaking of...
          The newest chapter of The Alpha and Her Beta has been released on Patreon. Chapter Sixty.
          I will now be returning to regular updates as well.


@ ZA_Dresden  wellcome back you have been missed alot. Hope u and ur family is ok


For the past few months my day job required more of my attention, having me work far more hours than usual so I wasn't able to work on my book properly. The workflow has returned to a more manageable level so updates will once more return starting this week. 
          Thank you for your patience, and I'm sorry for being unable to update until now. 
          - Dresden 


Hey long time no seen.... im Reading The alpha that call me pup again i think it is the 6th time.... Anyway i always read the Azrael story before this one.... have u ever been thinking to shange the order of them... btw hope u and ur family and dog is fine and ur work is going well


The name is You dont own me. I think u can get more ideas to your storys. I told her about yours


@ CamillaJonsson810  no need to thank me for that...  the books are part of my medecin perfect help to my pain killers.... i finde an ather writer( 1 more of my favorits) i think you would like.... your storys has some similarity.... she has 2 storys here on wattpad she write mostly on chapters but are transfaring her storys here.... her name on chapter is Lynn Byrne.... here on wattpad it is Ladydarkness something something.... the storys name is 


@CamillaJonsson810 :) Thank you, I am doing well as is my family and dog. Yes, I actually have been thinking about changing the order of my books too. Thank you for following my series! :)