
Hello wonderful readers! 
          	I hope you’re having a good day wherever you are. At the moment, where I live is in a covid lockdown so I thought what’s better to do than release my new novel ‘Our Forbidden Love 3’ a week earlier! Instead of the book being released next Saturday, the 14th of August, I will now be releasing the prologue of book 3 this Saturday the 7th of August!
          	Happy Reading!! :)


Hello wonderful readers! 
          I hope you’re having a good day wherever you are. At the moment, where I live is in a covid lockdown so I thought what’s better to do than release my new novel ‘Our Forbidden Love 3’ a week earlier! Instead of the book being released next Saturday, the 14th of August, I will now be releasing the prologue of book 3 this Saturday the 7th of August!
          Happy Reading!! :)


And your surprise is here!
          Complete this quiz to see which character from ‘Our Forbidden Love’ you are. Don’t forget to share your results over on your Instagram and mention me @zew1303 so I can see your results too! I can’t wait to see who you get! 


Anybody else get Sandy?


Hey wonderful readers and followers!
          I just thought I’d let you know that for the most part ‘Our Forbidden Love 2’ is completed! However, I am going to take some time to edit it and maybe even combine a few of the chapters before I give the story the little green “completed” label that I know some of you were upset to see on my first novel. :)
          Until I give my second Wattpad novel the “completed” label, feel free to keep reading more of Starley’s and Alex’s story and leave comments and votes wherever you see fit. 
          Thank you so much for all your support! 


Hey Wonderful Readers and Followers!
          I hope you’re all doing great, and if you aren’t, then I hope Alex and Starley’s journey is helping you through! :)
          I was thinking about doing a Q&A! *squeals* *yay* 
          Please just post your questions here on my conversation message board and I’ll respond to them, or you can just reply to this message directly. 
          Also, stay tuned for chapter 27 tomorrow!!! :)


Hello Wonderful Readers! 
          Chapter 1 of ‘Our Forbidden Love 2’ launched this morning, so don’t forget to check that out if you haven’t already! :)
          Also, I’m going to try and be more on top of my chapter uploads for book 2 and try and upload a chapter everyday for you guys to enjoy!
          I dedicate book two to the one guy who is making me genuinely so happy, just by existing and caring about me and it’s been a few months since I’ve felt this kind of happiness. You’re amazing and you know who you are. You’re my Alex and I hope I’m making you just as happy by being your Starley. xx 


Hey Everyone!
          I've just had a look at my reader demographic statistics and I wanted to say thank you. Even though I'm from Australia I have readers in the United States and in Indonesia! This means so much to me, thank you so much!! :)


I was on my dad’s laptop and I could see it then. I think maybe it’s a laptop/PC thing.


 How did u look  at it?