
@missllt The face paint is peeling. I have no clue about the eye to be honest, just a little bit of makeup. In the video he's supposed to portray one of those fairground fortune tellers, the automated ones.


@ZKellerman Well you're certainly capable of doing it! Just stick with it and you're guaranteed to see your hard work pay off! 
          I saw the prologue, definitely intrigues the reader, and it's short, so that the readers aren't overwhelmed with a large first chapter as soon as they click on it. Smart idea!
          Can't wait to see it happen, you'll achieve it! 


@Dezzypants Thanks Dezzy. :] Gonna work hard on promoting it even more. Since I asked to get it changed to a PG-13 rating, I've had hundreds more reads and a lot more votes and fans. That, and the short prologue I added seems to attract a lot of attention. My next step is being in the top 10 in the Sci-Fi section. ;)


To the fans:
          PROLOGUE has been added to 'Once Upon A Time'. Find out a little more about the unknown assassin in this short prologue!!
          Please read and give some feedback if you are interested. If you like it then please remember to vote or, if you're feeling generous, promote my work as an undiscovered gem or to your own fans!