"Mad World," Jo's entry in this month's WattZombie contest, is now published and available for viewing! Please take a look and tell us what you think! She loves feedback and appreciates all support you have to offer. 


Hey i read your book about the zombie survival. Can you suggest what to buy for making an emergency kit?


            For a broad covering kit, the simple necessities are recommended. This would include first aide, some form of cordage like Paracord, a way to start a fire, some form of defense, non-spoilable food and water, etc. There are many websites that provide suggestions on a well rounded Emergency Response Kit though it's also good to take you're location and surroundings into account when putting one together. (Some supplies are more necessary in some locations than others would be like a gun in a heavily populated area for the sake of drawing attention to oneself)


"Mad World," Jo's entry in this month's WattZombie contest, is now published and available for viewing! Please take a look and tell us what you think! She loves feedback and appreciates all support you have to offer. 


Well, How Not To Wrote A Cliche Zombie Book has been sitting on the shelf for a while now and since Mak is unable to continue it, I'll be needing to find someone to help me write it... Any ideas? Perhaps another admin would be in order... 


Hm... I approve.


            Well, it really depends on the type of people involved and what kind of relations there are. Should it be romantic, I'd point out the pros and cons (that I can see) to being in a relationship. For example: "Even if you love them, don't go out of your way to risk your life for them. If they're in danger, do what you can, but you're more useful alive than you are dead."


            I'd appreciate the help! 
            Let's say that the title of the next update is titled "Relationships." What would you write?


Ooh La La is back under construction, my zombie hunters! Chapter 4 of our story has now been published! Please check it out!


            Thanks for writing it! It gives a perspective to a side I've never thought about before when it comes to zombies. 


            Truly? Thank you so much; I'm glad you're enjoying it. ^~^


Well, my Mighty Massacres, Jo here and it looks like I'm the only one left holding the torch at the moment. ;-; Poor Al and Make are so busy and swamped that the account has fallen into a state of inactivity and I'm very sorry for that. I'm back, though, so if you need anything, let me know! At the moment, I'm short on new ideas for the account and would love any suggestions. 
          P.s. If you are not replied to in a day, please message me @WarriorWriter56. This is my main account and I'm bound to see your message there.


Hey hey. Me again. You know that Doc Truyen thing? The site that's stealing books from Wattpad and posting them on their website? They stole your Mad Libs book, I'm pretty sure. Figured I'd give you a heads-up. 


            Just shows desperation and lack of originality on their part :')


No problem. They took a couple of my books, too, even though one of them isn't even published anymore, haha. 


            Thank you for letting us know!