
Hey! I apologise if I am bothering you by posting on your mb.
          I just would like to let you know about my ongoing contemporary Romance Quarter Life Crisis. 
          If you are interested in some soft romance with some humorous banter, may I suggest you to please give it a try. 
          I will drop a link below and hope the blurb and cover piques your interest. 


Hey dear! 
          I apologize if this message is intrusive in any way, but I wanted to reach out and ask if you could spare a few moments to review my new poetry book.
          I value your opinion and would greatly appreciate your feedback. I've poured my heart and soul into these poems, and I truly hope they resonate with you.
          Thank you for considering my request, and I sincerely hope that my book connects with you. 
          Wishing you a pleasant day/night ahead! :)
          Best regards, 



For sure sweetie >3 ♥️