
I might be quitting writing. So much is going on, and I can’t ever post enough or focus enough to write. Today was the day that just… broke me. I’m sorry.. if i disappear for a while, yall know why…


Sorry to hear this, I hope everything is gonna go well for you man. Just take your time and do what you have to do. 


I might be quitting writing. So much is going on, and I can’t ever post enough or focus enough to write. Today was the day that just… broke me. I’m sorry.. if i disappear for a while, yall know why…


Sorry to hear this, I hope everything is gonna go well for you man. Just take your time and do what you have to do. 


Hello everyone! I know I have been absent for nearly two months… Life’s been uh… Best way I can put it is rough. Lost a few good friends, had a shitty birthday, and a lot of other stuff happened. I also kinda just lost interest in writing as a whole until this last week and I’m trying to get back into my books as best I can. I’m currently working on new chapters for the Ahsoka Book and maybe a few of my other books depending on if I have any inspiration. As such, I want story ideas ( Star Wars ideas specifically ) that I could make into books. ( I will credit whoever gave me the idea if I use it. ) As such, just know you’re all amazing, thank you so much for reading my books, and remember to eat, drink, and sleep well!


@Dagger2256 I’ll see what I could maybe do with this idea 


@Zach35843 thank you feel free to use it if you want.


Since my last few days have been uh… chaotic… the Old Republic book is going to be released as one big finished project so I have time to work on it without making you all wait. Thought I’d have some done but life decided to kick my ass! So with that being said, my focus is on the Ahsoka book as of right now. Hope to have a chapter out today or tomorrow. You all have a wonderful day/night! Remember to eat and drink something!


@Zach35843 Okay! I totally understand. Life can get rough sometimes.


Hey everyone! I have a new story cooking up, and I think you’re all going to love it! I also want to thank @Kea_Starfire for recommending an Old Republic book since that’s what this will be! 


Hoping to have the Prologue up tonight or tomorrow ( tonight is the goal lol )


I will be HOPEFULLY posting 3-5 chapters in the next 2 weeks. I haven’t been able to do much other than small parts here and there due to family issues and other related things. I am sorry about the wait, but I promise i am trying to keep it going.


@Kea_Starfire yeahhh. I’m trying my best. Writers block and family issues are mixing into one big issue  


@Zach35843 I get it! Life often doesn't leave room for me to write either.


OKAY EVERYONE IVE RETURNED FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL ( aka not having phone service to upload anything ‍♂️ )
          SOOOO im gonna be working a lot on the Ahsoka x OC story and maybe on the Old Republic story id already worked on! IM GLAD TO BE BACK!


@Kea_Starfire I’ve been cooking somethin up  but feel free to pm me if you have any ideas ( I’ll credit you if they’re used )


@Zach35843 Ooh, I'd love to see an Old Republic book!


@IsaiahWarner7 I’ll think about it. I know who talon is, ( total baddie btw ) so I’ll have to see if I can find some Ahsoka art of her with Sith tattoos.


Hey everyone! I haven’t posted in a while since I may or may not have been grounded for beating someone’s ass-… twice- BUT ANYWAYS- I’m hopefully back for a couple days of post a few small things as of now 


@IsaiahWarner7 all I’ll say to this is that you may be onto something  


@Zach35843 I do think that they should bea lot like starkiller. In it that they use the dark side a lot, but have a softer side. That they serve a master but also have their own dreams. And how they could go berserk in a battle, but be calm afterwards. Or if they don't calm down people they care about can calm them down. Kinda like the avatar state, so a future friend of them could calm them down on if they lose themselves


@Zach35843 sorry savage as a brother