
this message may be offensive
For all who may concern. I'm afraid. I'm sure alot of people are. Election results are frightening, no matter whi wins. But we did just elected a 34 count felon and a notrious racist. A misogynist. A rapist. 
          	Do I think this might ban me for saying this or this media? Probably. No idea. I don't know which side any media is on anymore. I'm on the side of people and the fact is we might be doomed. Especially those that are of color. And apart of the LGBTQ+ Communities, and especially women.
          	Do I know why we elected him? Yes. Half of America is misogynistic, that people beleive that only men should be in charge of anything. If you voted for him and you are followed to me, unfollow me. I don't have any media for you.
          	People believe that women are run on emotions. But it's clear that Kamala took her defeat gracefully. We can not say the same about Donald 4 years ago. He will begin removing rights from women, and lgbtq+ people and removing immigrants from this country, some may be justified. Maybe they did commit a crime... but will all of them be?
          	I could make an entire list for both sides. Why She should of won and why he shouldn't have been allowed to run... but I won't. Instead I'm going to wait for his trial that is still waiting for him. They can't push it back anymore. He got what he wanted...
          	The only thing I hope for is that he receives the appropriate punishment a 34 felon can get. And I hope that charge effects this election as much as all the fraudulent effects that old Elon Musk had with his bull shit buying votes with lottery scheme...
          	I can keep going but I don't want this to only be of hatred. I wish everyone who sees this that is affected by this election to stay safe, and for you to prioritize yourself and your friends and family that will also be affected. This is scary but we won't back down. If worse comes to shove. We can always impeach him again and again... just like his last term. 


@xythehero please unfollow me and understand that the evidence that was there was enough for 34 felonies. He insights violence, he openly thinks he's above the law, he thinks he's a king. And I hope everything people voted for in him comes out and you get all that you voted for. 


this message may be offensive
@ZachUzumaki i said fuck voting and didnt vote bc i aint dealig with politics


@ZachUzumaki as a part of the hispanic community (i also know people who are lgtbtq) i hope there won't br any laws that take away our rights but knowing old donald these 4 years will probably be hellish much love from texas, and stay safe as well


this message may be offensive
For all who may concern. I'm afraid. I'm sure alot of people are. Election results are frightening, no matter whi wins. But we did just elected a 34 count felon and a notrious racist. A misogynist. A rapist. 
          Do I think this might ban me for saying this or this media? Probably. No idea. I don't know which side any media is on anymore. I'm on the side of people and the fact is we might be doomed. Especially those that are of color. And apart of the LGBTQ+ Communities, and especially women.
          Do I know why we elected him? Yes. Half of America is misogynistic, that people beleive that only men should be in charge of anything. If you voted for him and you are followed to me, unfollow me. I don't have any media for you.
          People believe that women are run on emotions. But it's clear that Kamala took her defeat gracefully. We can not say the same about Donald 4 years ago. He will begin removing rights from women, and lgbtq+ people and removing immigrants from this country, some may be justified. Maybe they did commit a crime... but will all of them be?
          I could make an entire list for both sides. Why She should of won and why he shouldn't have been allowed to run... but I won't. Instead I'm going to wait for his trial that is still waiting for him. They can't push it back anymore. He got what he wanted...
          The only thing I hope for is that he receives the appropriate punishment a 34 felon can get. And I hope that charge effects this election as much as all the fraudulent effects that old Elon Musk had with his bull shit buying votes with lottery scheme...
          I can keep going but I don't want this to only be of hatred. I wish everyone who sees this that is affected by this election to stay safe, and for you to prioritize yourself and your friends and family that will also be affected. This is scary but we won't back down. If worse comes to shove. We can always impeach him again and again... just like his last term. 


@xythehero please unfollow me and understand that the evidence that was there was enough for 34 felonies. He insights violence, he openly thinks he's above the law, he thinks he's a king. And I hope everything people voted for in him comes out and you get all that you voted for. 


this message may be offensive
@ZachUzumaki i said fuck voting and didnt vote bc i aint dealig with politics


@ZachUzumaki as a part of the hispanic community (i also know people who are lgtbtq) i hope there won't br any laws that take away our rights but knowing old donald these 4 years will probably be hellish much love from texas, and stay safe as well


Alright! It's been a while lovelys. Did ya miss me? 
          I'm back to writing and drawing again. Though the problem is always "what" to start on and what to push to finish.
          Let me tell ya my things that I will likely be working on.
          Into Dream (it's in the works and not publishes here) singer esc book
          Unrealistic world. Isekai book.
          Naruto fanfiction.
          What's worth protecting.
          Narutos hero academia
          My hero fanfiction.
          Brittle skin
          My hero
          And a possible new one called "Ghost of the pasts"
          Let me know if any other fiction that I have worked on would interest you and I will try to see what spark is there. 
          I had posted a part of Unrealistic World on webtoon as I had to remake it for my own sake. It's still derpy looking but if you enjoy my plots you may enjoy that too.


@ ZachUzumaki  My chimera ant


@ZachUzumaki i really liked My ChimeraAnt fanfic could you maybe update it??


Can someone tell me why the genre of anime of "one male protagonist." And about 5 to 7 different girls are the main story? I really hate scrolling through anime and immediately Sighing because that's all there is it seems. Any animes go be recommended that isn't the cliche of like... sword art online. Or etc in that knowledge??


@ZachUzumaki try a funny one then like mashle or that one of konosuba or the slime one.


@ZachUzumaki bleach, hunterxhunter, the eminence in the shadows those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head


@blacknbluecrystal I know. But it's not entirely either. It's more like it's just women pinning over the main character and I really just hate it. Shield hero does it. Sao, like literally every single isekai or some Shonen anime does it and it frustrates me to hell   idk why people enjoy watching it. 


So for those who like my writing style and maybe the way I just write stories or perseve plot. I am currently writing two original novels and am posting on Tapas. If you guys would like I have alot of one novel I've already worked on posted a bit... it's called "Into Dream." I would really appreciate it if you guys could check it out. 


After two months I am back- and relieved that all my stuff is safe on my harddrives ;-; I'll be sure to update some stuff


@ZachUzumaki good to hear your back, I have always enjoyed your content 


So sorry about the lack of posts. I was working on writing some stuff and then BAM my computer freaking died D: so I've been scrounging up money to build a new one so... I apologize for the lack of updates you guys ;-; when I get the money for the stuff I will be sure to update the stuff I was working on. 
          Here's a list of what I was working on,
          Lonesome crushes
          Raging dragon blood
          What is worth protecting
          And some drafts for some possible redos... some of which were taken down for multiple reasons.
          Original neglected Naruto (with changes for alot of different things because one it makes sense to do these changes as people were giving me good points for the pairing. Sooo changing that.)
          Zero hour! (This is one I'm very excited for as it will basically have the same plot, just different weapons/characters as... I basically used to much in my opinion to other animes. I understand the use of weapons that already exist in anime, but I think I over did it is all.)
          And of course your favorite.
          His fox. (There's not much to say about this one as... it's had the longest time in my drafts trying to stew it so it actually comes out well.)


Question to the followers that are waiting on a part... what book is it your waiting on from me? 


@ZachUzumaki I don't mind waiting, but what book do you feel like writing now?


@ZachUzumaki Naruto s hero academia 