the name's Davies...Zachary Davies
lol no, it's Zach, just Zach
I like pita bread...
uhmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmm what else...
~if I had a sheep, I'd call it Baaaaaaaab (lol get it? it's like Bob but Baaaaaaaaab...yea...)
~elbow crinkles look like brain
~raisin cookies are deceivers that try to look like chocolate chip cookies but fail miserably once you bite into them
~I'm British but I like coffee more than tea...sorry your majesty...
damn, I really suck at this bio thing
let me put you out of your misery....
ok byee
- your wildest dreams
- InscritJune 23, 2017
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Jul 08, 2017 09:36AM
guys, I really suck at replying back to texts so please spam me if I don't reply in like 2 days xDAfficher toutes les Conversations