Due to recent events (thankfully unrelated to Wattpad), I decided to lay down an important rule. This page will not be used for discussing politics in any way, either from me, or anyone else that brings it up in my discussions. Generally, I don’t tend to care if someone disagrees with me on such things (depending on the issue) as long as they do so respectfully. However, those I’ve encountered who can’t seem to grasp the concept have put me off from it entirely. I’m lucky to not encounter such things on Wattpad so far as the subject of prehistoric life is probably the least political thing I could think of. Nevertheless, if I see anyone bring up politics, or even so much as allude to them, via my discussions tab in here, I’m straight up going to delete that. Cause at this point, I’m tired of dealing with the people that genuinely become impossible to reason with the second I express any disagreement with them.