this message may be offensive
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! This is a month where you are accepted no matter what your sexuality is. If you wanted a special moment to come out, do it in this month (unless you aren't ready, of course). I don't care whether you're gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, trans, pansexual, etc., I still accept you no matter what. I say it because I know how difficult it is to come out to your parents and some of you have homophobic parents, which only makes it harder to be yourself. Just know that if you're in a situation where you feel that you can't be yourself or you're in a situation where your parents or family members don't accept you, you can always dm me. I can't promise I will make you feel better, but I will try to the best of my ability. Keep being you and never stop. No matter what people tell you. Because at the end of the day, it's your fucking life. Live it to its fullest. If you're forever hiding who you are, you can't do that. Take this month as an opportunity to be yourself and express yourself! I love you all and remember you can always dm me if you need to talk! With that being said, HAPPY FUCKING PRIDE MONTH!!! (It's an honor to be born in pride month)