
Your mom gay lol


Your profile says “hit me up with Snape fanfics” so..........YOU SHOULD TOTALLY READ MINE!!! Haha  no pressure but I would love your honest feedback  Also just a big thanks for replying to a lot of the comments I’ve left on other fanfics; it’s always fun to get responses and to know that people are reading them 


@Reversevera its really good so shhh- i havent had much time to read it more ut if i get i will surely continue it! :)) 


Aww thanks I actually just re read my own story and am realizing just how cringy it is—so now I’m embarrassed I asked you to read it. I wrote it when I was in 9th grade and some of the parts are terrible. Don’t feel you have to read it :)


@Reversevera OH U HAVE MaDE OnE Im TOTaLLY GOnNa cHEcK iT ouT THAnK U! And your comments are honestly hilarious and Always make me happy! 