
Good Afternoon!
          	You have not been forgotten my lovely readers! I have just posted a brand new 18 chapters FULL of ACTION, SUSPENSE, LORE, and emotion that will keep you on the edge of your reading chair! So have at it!
          	Later today I will also be addressing any and all comments, messages and notifications I have received since my last active session! 
          	We are back on schedule! Thank you so much for your patience!
          	Have a wonderful day!!


Hi... Sorry for troubling... If you want to join an award, we have founded a new settlement as Bleh De Bleh Award... There are still a few slots left. If your book matches the genres, do fill up... XD


Good Afternoon!
          You have not been forgotten my lovely readers! I have just posted a brand new 18 chapters FULL of ACTION, SUSPENSE, LORE, and emotion that will keep you on the edge of your reading chair! So have at it!
          Later today I will also be addressing any and all comments, messages and notifications I have received since my last active session! 
          We are back on schedule! Thank you so much for your patience!
          Have a wonderful day!!


Good Morning!
          I hope you’ve all been healthy! I will be back in business tomorrow morning and when that comes I’ll have an enormous update to BLEED/HAVEN as compensation for those faithful readers who have been waiting. I apologize once more for the wait but I’m finally settled in! 
          Have a wonderful day!


Good Afternoon!
          I want to give you all an update so you don’t think I’ve just dropped everything and ghosted.
          I am currently in the process of moving into a new place! I am getting my puppies situated and purchasing household items and such right now and likely will be through the weekend. 
          I no longer have access to internet, but that should be taken care of in about a week’s time! When that happens I will make sure to post the appropriate number or chapters as compensation for the wait! If I get a chance to post in between somehow I definitely will. 
          Thank you all so much for the continuing support, comments, and readings for my beloved BLEED/HAVEN. 
          Be sure to use this downtime in posting to catch up, comment to ask me questions about the story, and vote for your favorite chapters!
          Have an amazing night!


          I guess I owe you guys an explanation huh? Well I am going through a few large transitions in my personal life right now. Posting the new chapters has not got into my schedule and honestly likely won’t until next week. 
          I apologize for the inconvenience! However, that does not mean we cannot gather more readers to this literature and increase the reads. Whether that be people catching up or new readers, let’s keep building our universe family!
          I hope you all are doing well and want to thank you for sticking with me through this. I promise u will try to get operational ASAP! 
          Have a wonderful day!


Good Morning avid readers! 
          It's finally the weekend! Time to unwind, hang out with friends, relax and catch up on your readings! 
          Today I will be releasing two new chapters of BLEED/HAVEN. B eon the lookout for those!
           A special announcement goes to say that BLEED/HAVEN has been accepted to be entered into the Aphrodite Awards 2021! Thank you @theaphroditeawards for selecting my book! Make sure to go check out the other books in the contest if you all have time!
          Once again, thank you all for the continued support of this story! No time to stop now! We're still in the beginning of this book and of The Nothos Saga!
          With that being said, everyone please be safe and have a wonderful day today!


          It has come to my attention that BLEED/HAVEN has been added to many lists over the course of the last few days and I would like to take the time to say thank you to all of those who have added it!


@ZadokTheThird You're welcome. It's on my soon to read list after I finish the couple I'm working through now!


@ZadokTheThird  Np ^ - ^  Will get to reading (and not draw it over a month)!  XD