@ZaheeraWalker Okay, as yet reading all of your work so far is not too taxing. Sometimes I wonder how someone finds me here. By that I mean, I only recognize a couple of people not common to our profile pages as of the last few hours. Check out those I have followed for some good writers. A lot of them are quite good.
I don't know much directly about South Africa per se. I have lived in West Africa and vacationed in East Africa. Some of the terrain looks much like what I know of South Africa. Of course, the languages and cultures are quite different from the two other places.
Do you also have a British Passport for travel, or is such a question irrelevant nowadays?
I gotta hit the sack now. I am caught up on my obligated reading, but I can make time for your stories.
Good night from Maryland and good morning to you in KwaZulu-Natal.