
Sitting here stressing about how stressed I am about an exam tomorrow (I am weird like that)..and then to find that Deadline has been uploaded on Best news EVER!


Hello beautiful has been ages but I thought I'd pop in just to see how you are all doing.
          My journey here has been awesome and I have to thank you for encouraging me to write. I finally plucked up the courage to pour life into Deadline and it is now with my publisher. I can't thank you enough.
          Lovies, Zaheera


Hi again, Z.  It happens that the last person to follow me in the past few minutes also followed you as well.  Then I happened to notice that a few of my followers in the past 24 hours also have followed you as well.
          Most of my recent followers have joined in the last few days and almost instantly have followed some 200 by the time I see them.
          Has that been your experience over the past few days?
          I am crashing in a few minutes.  So let me say Night Night from Maryland.
          Take care.


@ZaheeraWalker   Okay, as yet reading all of your work so far is not too taxing.  Sometimes I wonder how someone finds me here.  By that I mean, I only recognize a couple of people not common to our profile pages as of the last few hours.  Check out those I have followed for some good writers.  A lot of them are quite good.
          I don't know much directly about South Africa per se.  I have lived in West Africa and vacationed in East Africa.  Some of the terrain looks much like what I know of South Africa.  Of course, the languages and cultures are quite different from the two other places.
          Do you also have a British Passport for travel, or is such a question irrelevant nowadays?
          I gotta hit the sack now.  I am caught up on my obligated reading, but I can make time for your stories.
          Good night from Maryland and good morning to you in KwaZulu-Natal.


@ZaheeraWalker  Thank you very much for the follow.  Let me say Welcome to Wattpad.
          Enjoy your time here.  I would be delighted for you to read my stories.
          There are surprises in all of them.
          I don't see many people here on Wattpad from South Africa.  Not that Africa is such a mysterious place for me.  I was a Peace Corps teacher at Holy Cross Mission in Bolahun, Liberia.
          The Order of the holy Cross now has a monastery in South Africa.
          Mariya uMama weThemba Monastery
           PO Box 6013
           Grahamstown 6141
           South Africa 
          South Africa is quite expansive, so that could be days from you.
          Take Care