
Salaam dear,
          how has your grandma been?


what are friends for really ..


(I'm not sure why my message didn't go through the last times replyed to your other lovely comment) , but anyways Walakumasalam! & My beautiful grandma actually passed away on March 31 :( but she's out of her pain and misery, and what's better than being with Allah? :D i would love and appreciate if you pray for her! May you have a long, happy, successful life yourself <3 Knowing that you cared enough to ask again is honestly so sweet and it makes me feel really happy that people as caring as you exist<3


Habebty alsalamu alaikum :")
          I just wanted to tell you how sorry i am about your grandma and i pray from my heart she's well soon again and back with you <3 stay strong and pray for her as well ^_^ and may allah make this a cleanse for all of you :) have faith 
          With love 


Ameen. <3


Allah yirhmaha :"( 
            Surely we belong to Allah, and to Him we return 
            May Allah aid you in your loss :( and give her the highest of levels in his jannah. Ameen.
            yes indeed, may that pain be the kafara for her sins so that she's by Allah now devoid of them.
            wa'iyyaki sister ,, and I wish you and your family all the best <3


Walakumasalam(: thank you so much for your kind words, i really appreciate it<3 unfortunately, my grandma passed away on March 31. As much as i hate not seeing her peek her head out of the bedroom door (she stayed on her bed because they had to cut her one leg off) , or complement me when i have curlers in my hair and tell me its a beautiful hairstyle, shes by Allah now and whats greater than that? Shes out of her pain and misery. mA she died in the beginning or end of the fajr prayer (Im not sure). May Allah give us all a beautiful death and for all those who have passed away and may their destination be Jannah. Please pray for my grandma(: May allah shower his blessings on you and give you a long, happy, successful life<3 
            with love too<3


Salam. I came across your profile and read your status. I'm sorry dear, truly pray that your grandma will get better soon. "La Tahzan innAllah ha ma'ana" : Don't be sad, Allah is with us. [9:40]  Stay strong <3


Walakumasalam. First off jazakallah for these kind words. I  appreciated the little reminder(: unfortunately my grandma actually passed away on March 31. As much as it truly saddens me, she's out of all her pain and with Allah. Please keep her in your prayers. May Allah give you yourself a long, happy, successful life in the dunya and hereafter.