
Assalamualaikum wa RahmatuLlahi wa Barakatu.
          	Taqabbal Allāhu minnā wa minkum (may Allāh accept from us and you [our fasts and deeds). May He make us to be from amongst those who'll witness more Ramadan and who will put this Deen into practice. Aameen. Have a nice Eid!


Assalamualaikum wa RahmatuLlahi wa Barakatu.
          Taqabbal Allāhu minnā wa minkum (may Allāh accept from us and you [our fasts and deeds). May He make us to be from amongst those who'll witness more Ramadan and who will put this Deen into practice. Aameen. Have a nice Eid!


Asalamualaykum everyone. First of all, Ramadan Mubarak to the Muslim fams out here on Wattpad. I know it's been more than ten days since we entered this blessed month, but it's never too late to wish others the blessings of the month. May Allah grant us our greatest desires and bless us with that which is most suitable for us. And most importantly, may He accept our acts of ibadah. Aameen. 
          I know it's been a while (a long time, tbh) since I came on here, but the truth is that I've practically been living as a ghost online. I can't remember the last time I went online on any social media platform. I really want to apologize and appreciate those of you who have read my books, those of you who are currently reading my book and those of you who are still waiting for an update. Trust me I am working really hard on Embraced right now and I myself want nothing more than to share the rest of the chapters with you. This all seems like a long story but honestly, I hope you'll still stay with me. Also selfish but author's are humans too. 
          Until my next update, stay safe, blessed and happy. 


@ZainaHijabi Ramadan Mubarak...
            We will patiently wait for you.



Hi I’m sorry for writing on your profile. 
          Are you the type who wait until a book is complete? then don’t worry ‘Noor’ is how complete!!
          Have you check out my book ‘Noor’? If you haven’t then try checking it out. 
          It’s a story of a blind middle class girl, Noor Jameel Bilal as she find love in a wealthy family, a family that hate and despises any person lower than their league. 
          Will Noor survive in this family? 
          Will her love made her strong? 
          Or will she have to give up? 
          Check it out and find out, don’t forget to vote, comment and also share. 


Asalamu alaykum guys. It's been a long time, hasn't it? Probably a year now. I hope you guys have been doing alright. 
          I originally planned of making an author's note in my book but I reasoned that the only reason anyone would click that notification bar with Embraced on it would be to find a long awaited chapter and not some sorry excuse about why I haven't updated in a while. So the long awaited chapter is here. However, there would still be an author's note in the chapter I'll be updating today. 
          However, I do have to apologize and explain myself a bit. There are only a few reasons as to why I never updated throughout this period: one was because life happened; two, school was after my life; and three, because I was a lazy ass who only kept on pushing writing with procrastination. 
          I apologize for going off grid without a word and for coming back so late. Thank you all for staying up till now and I hope like always you enjoy reading the coming chapters. I would also like to advice you all go back and read the previous chapters before reading the new chapter.
          JazakAllahu knair for staying with me.


Asalamu alaykum guys! Ramadhan Mubarak! 
          As we move along this glorious month, I pray Allah makes it easy for us all. I pray He eases our affairs, guides us and protect us from all forms of harm. 
          This month is the month of revelation and the Qur'an. The month to cleanse our hearts and souls, to bring ourselves closer to our Lord. I hope we all benefit from the mercy Allah has granted us and I pray Allah accepts our acts of worship as an act of ibadah. May we also be from amongst the successful ones.
          Let's not forget to engage in taraweeh prayers, tahajjud and lots of recitation and dhikr. May Allah make this month the month of great change in our lives. Aameen. 
          Stay safe and take care. 
          Ma salaam ❤


@ZainaHijabi WA Alaikum salam. Ramadan Mubarak to you too. Ameen