this message may be offensive
(This might be considered a lil' bit of a rant so, feel free to skip it if you don't like that) It's the big old year of 2021 and I still don't understand why the miraculous fic got attention... this is not to shame anyone that likes it or has ever liked it at some point but, it was mediocre at best in every single way (like everything I write but that's another conversation), my english sucked and the story doesn't even make any fucking sense whatoever. I don't regret putting it out, I was so happy about it back in the day, and I still am happy about it I just... don't see why it happened... But at the same time, I don't want to give myself too much shit because I was... you know... 15 about to turn 16. I am 20 about to turn 21 now, things have definately changed (Idk if for the better, but they have). I guess I just try to be more careful with what I put out (and specially now that naver has bought this hellsite, which is something I'd never thought I hear but, you know, 2020 and 2021 tingz, shit is weird). Anyways, please don't feel like my own shame on what I did has to affect your oppinion on the fic. If you personally liked it, that's more than fine! You are entitled to that! And I say the same with lots of things, don't give a shit if people think they are bad, people shouldn't shame you for liking a certain series/book etc. P.S.: One thing I do still stand for is the fact that Marinette's hair is black. I won't retreat from that because it's right. Also, the explosive rabbit might actually be the best villain I've ever created, maybe I should make a side story just for it (but away from the miraculous scene, I'd want it to be its own character).

''This message might be considered offensive'' I used the word f*cking and sh*it twice naver. You should probably worry more about people using your actual site to bully female idols for literally breathing.