*vibes in ADHD together*

Hey! I just came to say that I noticed that you were another fellow skephalo shipper. Skephalo is also my comfort ship and I always get super happy when I see another skephalo shipper! OwO Anyway hope you have a good day and I just wanna remind you that your story “coffe addiction” is great! (from what I’ve read so far) bye!

@CaptainPufffy :DD ty! I lose hope every now and then and messages like this are really helpful with making chapters owo <3 good day to u!

Hey! I just came across your account and wonder if you wanna be friends? ^^ ❤

@Fool_NOT_Cool nahhh u should laugh. I saw my bottle on the windowsill and asked her if I could have it and she said "you are wasting our learning time for a bottle?" she never gave me it. When she left the class my friend grabbed it and geve it to my other friend sitting next to her, and they threw it over to me. Best part of the day.

your username is Amazing