Hey everyone, I’m Azalea’s younger sister. You may not have known but last year, shortly after she posted her last chapter, Lea committed suicide after her long struggle with her mental health. She had closed her account and I only found out she had wattpad when we were going through her stuff a few months after she died. It’s been a very hard time for my entire family and I so I would like if you could be patient with any questions you might have. My main account is @voidzia and my name is Zia by the way. I hope you all find peace as we all are trying too. All I can do is wish that Lea found peace too. Zia

@ZalieRules93 I don't know why but I'm just reading this and, I can't help but feel like I hadn't been a good enough friend. She was my first friend here on wattpad. May you rest in peace, Azzie.