@new_mani it is good to hear/read from you. I see you have abandonded your original story that I first read. However, you found a new set of stories and poetry to express yourself. Good for you. I have bounced here and there with this app and figured I needed to become more focused with it and I came across your coversation with me a while back. I can see that your work has taken an abstract approach to painting a picture. None the less still original. You always have a way to express emotion like a high caliber, however, like a high caliber bullet it runs too fast at some points leaving the reader with a feeling of (how did we get here?) Now I'm not saying your work is bad, far from it. Just that if you want to express an emotion try lingering on it to really get the reader to understand what you are conveying. Fill in the blanks of why a character is angry, sad, or happy. You have what your characters peronas nailed,; now tell it to the world.
P.S. thank you for the add and just the same if you have anything for me I would be so humble to get your opinion.