
I know that i don't usually post on here and i am not active as much as i used to in the past but i have come on here to spread awareness. I have been spreading awareness about the things that have been going on in this world for the last couple of days on my other social medias but i figured that even posting on here would bring attention and make a change. So, i just want you guys to know that there are links in my bio that you can sign, they take a few seconds i promise, and even one signature can make a change. The black community is getting the attention that they have deserved for a long time, let's take action. Please sign petitions and donate if you can, and if you can there is a link in my bio that you can use to watch a yt video that Zoe Amira has posted, all the money raised goes to the BLM organisation. So please take action and use your voices and let's make a change. 


I know that i don't usually post on here and i am not active as much as i used to in the past but i have come on here to spread awareness. I have been spreading awareness about the things that have been going on in this world for the last couple of days on my other social medias but i figured that even posting on here would bring attention and make a change. So, i just want you guys to know that there are links in my bio that you can sign, they take a few seconds i promise, and even one signature can make a change. The black community is getting the attention that they have deserved for a long time, let's take action. Please sign petitions and donate if you can, and if you can there is a link in my bio that you can use to watch a yt video that Zoe Amira has posted, all the money raised goes to the BLM organisation. So please take action and use your voices and let's make a change. 


my baby




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i'm tbat bitch been that bitvh still thqt bitch


this message may be offensive
That's my best friend that's my best friend she ain't my girlfriend she is my besfriendddddd I just fuck her time to time ♡♡♡


this message may be offensive
            We fUcK- shit ;-;
            I never knew that. I would be moaning rn- 
            Jk xD


this message may be offensive
            Omfggggggg xD this girl! I love you so much! I really fucking do, bitch! You mean the fucking world to me and you are my one and only (dont tell, Gusttavo) but it's nearly 5 fucking years since we know each other and lemme tell you that when i tell you that you mean so fucking much to me and that i don't need no one else other than you, i mean it. 


when nadida said " mhm mhm mhm mhm NO "


@sadblossom "if you're ready come and get it, nah nah nah naHHhH"


i will blow yo ass with a shotgun


            A piece of dumbshit but a piece of dumbshit that i LoVe -3-


Guess who's back.... back again me bitchhhhhhhh 


            My babyyyyyyy !!!! ♡♡♡