Alright guys, so idk if you remember "Arcane", my spiderverse fanfiction, but it's back again. And it's not gonna get regular updates but I'm gonna work on it. Just like I'm gonna work on all my fanfiction. My main work is "The New Speedster", but as I get ahead on that I'll work on others. Though I do have to warn that I am still working on schoolwork so I may not get all the updates out as soon as some of you are hoping.
I have made a few changes to my life recently so you can expect that I'll be posting more frequently. My desires in life have altered. I will no longer be going to college like I planned so I'll have more time to write when I'm not working or giving my attention to my gf.
I hope all of you are staying happy and healthy in these tough times under quarantine. I know that there are people that are struggling with this, cause I myself am struggling with this. I miss the ability to see people I know, and interact with others. And heck I'm an introvert, but I miss people just the same. Again to all of you, try to stay happy and healthy.