Welcome to the weird world of Wattpad, @ZaneStumpo . I'm one of the other published authors who seems to spend far too much time here - I've bought so few books lately, I swear I've saved a fortune. I'm not as successful as some, but I keep telling myself it's a hobby, anyway.
Oh, and the link to your free book this weekend is:
Most of us are lazy, so we like just one link to click :D
Speaking of which - if you're looking for the adults on the website, we hide in the Pub forum, of course!
Right. I believe I'll educate a few of my followers who've never heard of Schrodinger, for some of them are fond of science fiction and humour, though their grasp of physics and mathematics mightn't match yours or even mine. Mine is that you need a fair bit of red wine to understand quantum physics.
Speaking of which, I think I have an open bottle...
See you 'round, mate.