
I'm sorry on the delay but the next chapter is out now :'3 This one is my favorite, to be honest. I hope you guys enjoy it. Don't forget to vote and leave a comment <3


Hi  I don't mean to bother you. I have an interview series called Meet The Authors and if you are interested ur welcome to be featured. All the meet the authors stories can be located on my profile.  If ur interested in being featured, please send me a private message.


I don't get much traffic on Wattpad anymore - but it's crazy how many people are on both Scrib and Wattpad. Seems to be lots of people start in Wattpad, need more feedback and naturally graduate to Scrib. Good to meet you here too!
          Let me know if you need some help and thanks for the follow, appreciated.


@JohnGunningham Highly appreciated :)


@Zarlash Great! I don't mind helping, heaven knows enough people helped (and are still helping) me. Good to know you. I'll see if I can read some of your wattpad stories this weekend. Would be nice to start at the beginning.


@JohnGunningham You've been very helpful on scribophile. Looking forward to learning more from your writing. And thank you for your offer, I'll be needing that :)


Survival of the Mortalists made it through the second round of ONC 2021. Yay! Thanks to everyone who supported me and always wished me the best. Making it through this round means so much since I'm very new to writing. I hope I keep on improving myself :'3


So I stopped writing because I felt like I wasn't good enough. Have been bombarded with the work load and the idea of continuing writing seemed 'useless'. Why write in such stressful conditions when you're not good enough, eh? But thank you so much for the votes on 'movie marathon'. Also, being selected for round 2 in the ONC2021 competition motivated me, lol. So this is a heads up for all the followers, be ready for new updates, yay! I'm excited!
