
I know I said I was going to update but everything that happened to Liam it was just too much for me.  And I cried for days and weeks and still it doesn’t feel real. Being a fan since I was 6 and now that I’m 17 it was a lot to process. I loved Liam and I’ll miss him tremendously. 


I know I said I was going to update but everything that happened to Liam it was just too much for me.  And I cried for days and weeks and still it doesn’t feel real. Being a fan since I was 6 and now that I’m 17 it was a lot to process. I loved Liam and I’ll miss him tremendously. 


What’s up my people’s!! I’m back!! Ugh it’s been so long. How’s everyone doing? I been gone for what two- three years? Anyways I kinda lost motivation and I didn’t really have time to post because I would get hella busy and I’m still very busy now but not as much. I remember starting my book back when I was a freshman in high school well guess what! I’m a senior in high school now ahhhh!! I know I know it’s big but I did it I made it through. I can’t promise all post everyday but I’ll try to post every week so love y’all! 


Happy Supernatural Day!! Today is the day the first ever episode aired of the amazing series, Supernatural. This show was life changing for me because I related to it a lot and it was not afraid to push the emotions. It was 15 amazing season, from 2005 to 2019 and I highly recommend you to watch it if you haven’t already. It’s my favorite tv show of all times. From two brothers who set off to find their dad but in the end they found each other. So happy Supernatural Day!!


LOVE ON TOUR  has come to an end. I can say that I'm glad that Harry is finally able to rest but at the same time I'll miss him and even though I've never been to a show, just seeing people's videos brought every harrie joy. I'm so proud on how far he's come as a person and artist but seeing him cry on his knees last night made me sob, and I am beyond proud of Harry. Here's to the memories that were created and that will be cherished.


Is it weird for a guy and girl to make eye contact in class everyday? It's a ritorical question but really is it? Cause this guys he's my friend he's nice like if he's mean to me and he doesn't intend to be he'll apologize later yk, but I always end up making eye contact with him and I don't like him and he doesn't like me we just always end up doing that. Idk I'm just curious 


Yk it's crazy Harry's 29 now. I celebrated his birthday even though he doesn't know it. I wore his merchandise so everyone knew. I've known Harry well not directly but I've known him since I was 6. God this man has saved me so much I wish I could thank him personally. He has always made me smile his music has made a huge impact in my life and honestly I wouldn't know what do to without him. He won his second Grammy this year and I am beyond proud of how far he has come. I remember being 7 and only being able to know we he was and his name out of all the one direction members then I memorized them all as I got older. It's just crazy he's in his last 20s. I love him with all my heart and i thank him for saving me.