
Pour ceux qui lisent mon histoire,  je risque de mettre du temps à ressortir un nouveau chapitre au cause d'un probleme de téléphone TwT


Followers appreciation! (pls read sjdjs) 
          I've decided that today, from now on, I will manually thank every single one of my followers for, well— following me <3 Thank you, luv, for taking your time to read my book(-s), and for following me. You mean a lot to me, and remember that I care for you, I love you even if you're a stranger, and I'd really like to be friends! If you'd want, of course! >.<❤❤


@ Satana_Girl_Inplm  OwO You're welcome^^  I really appreciate your work, and I thank you for your writings, which are like a breath of fresh air! I’m a little shy and don't speak english very well(cause I'm french), but of course if you want, we can become friends!^^ But I guess you’re going to have a lot of people answering the same thing^^' Thank you for your attention in spite of everything ^-^