
So yea I'm really late on this but no matter how late I am I always wanna make sure to pop by. I wanted to say huge, huge, HUGE thank you for the follow, I always love seeing the notification for a follow. I really appreciate it, and I hope that you enjoy your time here on watty! If you need some help working the website or ever just want to talk, please let me know! :D


@ZcooFang Only if you spend those two hours in a fantastic and outrageous manner, yes. XD Hahahahaha! I mean it's such a small semantic, you could have left it and I wouldn't have had any problems with it. Though that is funny. A little bit ago I was commenting on something with a character named Gaius and I saw that someone commented below asking for a drabble with Henry and I literally sat there and was like So I really liked the dynamic between Henry and (damnit not Henry *backspaces*) Hen- *backspace* Gaius (Phew, finally) and Henry (WAIT THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE REA TAN) Like I dunno why I just could NOT get that right. XD 
            NO STOP LOVE WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULD BE THIS CUTE IT'S LITERALLY ILLEGAL! AHH. Hahaha ayy I can direct you to my ghost reader rant/lecture/veryinspirationmotivationalspeech I have done this to many souls, many souls indeed. XD That being said I really do appreciate that you would step up to the plate because I made you want to comment on a story, like that's just an awesome feeling overall and I'm really glad to hear it! It's a fantastic way to get to know people who write the fics you enjoy, honestly. 
            Take this buddy with you on your journey through and be safe and happy you precious cutie-pie (´• ω •`) ♡	
            Though seriously like shoot me a PM so we can start up an actual conversation because those notifications are usually slightly more reliable. XD


@AmorettiElle I have two hours before midnight here, so does that mean I can have a better day? Haha, I jest, I jest (I originally had it "I kid, I kid" and then I saw that you wrote the same thing and I was like "Did I do that unintentionally? Oops. Better change it."). 
            Truth told, I don't like commenting on things a lot mostly because I'm terrified about how it's viewed. You're honestly the first person that's made me want to comment on a story, so I'll try to put my money where my mouth is (that's a terrible use of the phrase, but whatever) and comment more frequently (you know... once I actually start commenting).


@ZcooFang Surprise sneak attack messages are the best!~ I always like to get to know my followers as friends and not just a statistic, and a long rambling message on their boards are always a great way to go about getting off to a good start. 
            Comments are my literal favorite thing, but popping by and voting is always a great way to show your support for the writer too! (Double bonus points for doing both. All the writers on here that I talk to love long rambly comments and vote spams because it's really encouraging! I actually reached out to a lot of my friends on here in the same way, so things really fall together haha~) 
            Thanks, though there's 13 minutes left before midnight, so you're a bit late. I kid, I kid. 13 is my favorite number anyways! I hope you have a good one too!~ 
            Hahah no worries, no worries. I was a few months late with this anyways! XD