Forget weekly updates. I only planned ahead for those 2 chapters so writing new chapters takes a bit longer, also I have a lot more work than usual so I can't just stay up 2 or 3 hours longer to finish a chapter. And I really wanna get back to game development and programming in general because that is what I like doing the most. Writing stories was never a thing I was really good at. I do like to explore worlds, especially fantasy worlds filled with magic, creatures and other stuff. But I think I will leave this to the game development as I personally think that games are a better medium for world exploration as the consumer interacts with the world. I'm not saying that I drop LWIAUW but the updates will come when they are ready. I already have some plot twists and lore planned out, but the "filler" before I get there is really hard for me to write. I hope you understand.
Sincerely, Z3RYX
TL;DR: LWIAUW updates whenever a chapter is done (not weekly anymore).