
I just came up with the most fire idea for a novel. My other novels will be pushed aside and/or worked on less compared to this new one. It is a fresh one too. Like, I just came up with this story 2 nights ago and I’ve been addicted to it since. There’s a lot of research to be done. 


I just came up with the most fire idea for a novel. My other novels will be pushed aside and/or worked on less compared to this new one. It is a fresh one too. Like, I just came up with this story 2 nights ago and I’ve been addicted to it since. There’s a lot of research to be done. 


To all who saved my book, “Shades of Green”, I’ll have you know that all chapters have been unpublished. I am completely rewriting the book as my writing style has changed since a year ago when I first started working on my book. Some elements will be implemented, and some even reused, but as I reread my story I find there’s no fluff. Almost all of the book was completely actions, and the way I described scenes also began to frustrate me too. Since the book will no longer be returning, if you are one of few who do wish to reread, continue, or begin reading my story, I recommend following so that you may be updated when I begin to publish the new version of the book. There’s no telling how long it will take, but you can expect to see something around June at the latest. During this time I will be working on developing a better writing style, studying the flow of dialogue and scenes, and brainstorming ideas to make things more realistic and interesting. Thank you to those who read Shades of Green in its early stages, as I know it must have been tough to follow. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns please feel free to message me directly. Have a wonderful day. :)


Can’t wait to read it :)


Hello, everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that I am a college student, so my ability to write for the next two weeks until the semester ends is very limited. Fortunately, I did think to write many chapters in advance before announcing the release of my fan fiction: Shades of Green, so I will be posting a new chapter every other day. I apologize to those who  wished for the next chapter sooner, but I beg that you please understand my predicament. Thank you! ❤️


I can’t wait to start reading your story! I saw your last comment, and I know first chapters are a little tricky to write. I have faith in you regardless!


Now that I think about it, I probably should have told you Central Time 10am. I forgot I don’t live an NPC life 


10am btw 


Thanks!!  See you Saturday at 10 