
"The Spiders Of New York" has been marked as complete since Wattpad is taking down all books that are ongoing. All of my other books are going to be gone which is something I have wanted for a while but wasn't really bothered to do it myself.
          	Sorry for anyone who was hoping to see more of my other books.
          	For any write however I suggest doing the same as me and many other writers


"The Spiders Of New York" has been marked as complete since Wattpad is taking down all books that are ongoing. All of my other books are going to be gone which is something I have wanted for a while but wasn't really bothered to do it myself.
          Sorry for anyone who was hoping to see more of my other books.
          For any write however I suggest doing the same as me and many other writers


          It's been a while since I've been on here, I suddenly came on here with the urge to write something with new spider verse movie so I'm gonna do that.
          The first chapter should come soon, the first book will be Into The Spider-Verse