
@xXxTwilightLuverxXx LOL I guess you do!!


Hey, want to do me a favour? 
          I know you do :) 
          Could you have a quick skim through 'The One I Ran Into, In The Woods' ? 
          Thanks a heap! 
          (Ill be uploading another chapter soon :) OH and sorry for cheesy comment >_> didn't mean to put you through so much pain :P)


          i wuldd thankk you frum the bottom of my heartt, but for you my heartt has no bottom :) 
          meaninqq :: thankk u for becominqq my fan! i wuld hav sentt this before, but i never had the time :) ndd i need to thankk my fans for becominqq a fan! you rockk! 
          luv yah! not likk that...but u know watt i mean!!! but seriously, you made my day!! 