Ello Doves!
I have seen that Stouthearted has hit 1000 reads! Wow I didn't ever expect that to happen. Ever.
When I posted the first Poem called "Stouthearted" last year, I didn't know what to think about it. Right now I don't remember the single aspect of why I decided to start a poem book, but I did. And continuing it was all God. It's a book not of religion or rules or what you should do with your life. It's a book of belief and faith. Of building yourself up so you can overcome whatever you put your mind to, and whatever you set your heart on.
I had always wanted to write poems but never dreamed of publishing them on a website or even having anyone beside myself and God seeing them. Thanks to the many viewers who've just clicked on my book here, it's gotten so far; reads wise and the growth i've had in writing them.
I will continue writing poems as long as I have the drive and God on my side. Again, thank you to the people who continue to be an extra motivation to me in writing. You know who you are because I tell you and I dedicate poems to them!
Now to 2000! ^_^ ♥