
Btw if anyone wants to make fan art of my writing uh go ahead I don’t really mind..
          	If u want to of course I’m just..
          	Taking a ..break for a bit


Got pulled just to take a freaken test but i threw up during it but c an’t leave the school cause of the test, my head hurts as heck, and i was told that i had to take the test AGAIN because i wasn’t “collage ready” i swear that’s been the main purpose for these test be ready for collage
          Ugh..this sucks…


My school needs better heaters or turn them on it’s so freaking cold i thought i was sick (am not it’s just the cold outside + inside cold that’s making it so damn cold and the fact that’s so many kids went to the nurse cause they thought they were sick when it’s just so flipping cold..)


I know i can’t get on tumblr cause of the school but i wanna ask this, i know the group i create was with me and my irl friends but uhh…
          Does anyone want to be part of it? I don’t mind extending it to online really ;-;


@Zelrda I would like to be a part of it, yeah. This is Mod Sam, by the way, just so you know. Apologies for responding this late.


Screw the fact that the KOSA bill got sighed for markup and freaken passed it seems...I know it ain't the law for now but ugh...I rather be in a coma than deal with the bill
          Ugh...I already hate this...