@Brownie-Hybrid I never finished that story. I stopped at the chapter Toxic. I mainly stopped because I had written it when I didn't know much about grammar and spelling. I wanted to restart the story but I didn't want to write it on Quotev cause I wanted people who were really good and experienced writers to read it. Not all the (can't think of a good way to call that community) ... scrubs. I wanted my stories to be good and I didn't want to be known as the person who wrote bad fanfics and gets thousands of views and likes. I wanted to write quality fanfics and it's really hard to do that on Quotev with a following of people who would look at a bad fanfic, and say it was a piece of art. It's a compliment but it's a compliment from a person who can't tell a good piece of art from a bad piece of art.
Also all my friends are on Wattpad.
The redone Ultron X Oc is called Tragic, and is posted here.