
Are you a fan of Harry Potter? GREAT! Read my newest story, Ghost Child on Wattpad! 


Hurricane Irma is at my door step. Update for "Kill the Queens" may be late due to the storm. Power is out and I'm using my dad's wifi hotspot. Wish me and all my friends good luck as we hunker down durning the storm. Good luck to everyone going into the storm with me.


I saw your book on quotev(is that how you spell it correctly?) Ultron X Reader and I really enjoy it...well it doesn't let me read fully on stories(it's weird but true) so I didn't get to read the whole thing and I was wondering...you don't have too! But could you post the story on here so I could read it fully? You don't have too but I'm just saying :)


Okay I understand thank you for responding and explain :)


@Brownie-Hybrid  I never finished that story. I stopped at the chapter Toxic. I mainly stopped because I had written it when I didn't know much about grammar and spelling. I wanted to restart the story but I didn't want to write it on Quotev cause I wanted people who were really good and experienced writers to read it. Not all the (can't think of a good way to call that community) ... scrubs. I wanted my stories to be good and I didn't want to be known as the person who wrote bad fanfics and gets thousands of views and likes. I wanted to write quality fanfics and it's really hard to do that on Quotev with a following of people who would look at a bad fanfic, and say it was a piece of art. It's a compliment but it's a compliment from a person who can't tell a good piece of art from a bad piece of art. 
            Also all my friends are on Wattpad.
            The redone Ultron X Oc is called Tragic, and is posted here. 


Please update Tragic I was in tears and Im usually not when reading. I love it


this message may be offensive
            I was planning on ending the book there but there because I wanted to start working on Kill the queens. But there was one chapter I didn't add because it was cheesy. I may update it when I feel like it, or when I finish the next 2 chapters for Kill the queens. 


Are you a fan of age of Ultron and wish that there were more good fanfictions about it?!
          Then you're in luck! 
          Check out my story Tragic on Wattpad!! Here's the link!!! 
          ~ www.wattpad.com/347636243-tragic-ultron-x-oc-chapter-1
          *Dabs away*