
Zenda sat on a log twirling a ring on her finger, glaring at it before sighing. It's all she did anymore sit, stare, think, glare. Her daughter have up trying and none of other demons didn't dare go near her.


Women hurt by many.
          A past just worth regretting.
          Look at the smiles that bring the light.
          Their all worth more, than anything.
          But always remember, darkness never fades.
          and pain they felt, reflects worse upon one.
          Zenda, Arcanum, Brook, Tola~
          Momma Zenda. ;-;


Zenda sat on a log twirling a ring on her finger, glaring at it before sighing. It's all she did anymore sit, stare, think, glare. Her daughter have up trying and none of other demons didn't dare go near her.


Oblitus watched as she did, not saying a word as he watched the released water presure beat against the remaining bits of blood inside, amused slightly at the hallow sound. 
          How accurate of a sound it was.
          He eventually pulled his gaze from the deer. A realization struck him. His endless string of witty remarks and sarcasticness was missing. What was Zwei up to?


@OblitusWolf Zenda didn't speak as she helped lift the carcass on the table where she again took out her knife. "You can leave, Oblitus. I will not force you to stay where you feel uncomfortable." She said blandly, dismissing him with a wave of her knife as she started digging into the meat to get chunks perfect for steak and jerky. 
            Brooke nosed the door open and stepped into the house shifting back and heading into her room.


@Zenda_ Oblitus glanced at the table, figuring that was the destination, and then focused on not tripping over anything once more. He helped guide the carcass over to it, and once they would get close enough, he'd help lift it onto the table with little issue. He still remained silent, retreating to his thoughts. 
            Zwei, however, was much less silent than his friend. He laughed a little at her lack of response. He didn't curl up, but he did stop and watch her, cocking his head slightly in curiosity. He was still poised to dart ahead should she randomly charge at him, but he was now curious. "Hmm?"


@OblitusWolf She felt it heat up almost rhythmically, her gaze shifting around. It got her attention for sure. When it remained calm she twisted her body and began to follow where the medallion lead her. She got off track sometimes little rusty on remembering tracking it but she managed to get to the clearing. Her whole body locked up, this felt eerily familiar.
          Slowly stepping further into the clearing and began to shake her head, her black hair falling over her shoulders. "No you don't remember this place, just turn around and walk out." She said but her feet stayed rooted to the ground. 'Great now you're talking to yourself Zenda and your feet won't listen to your brain. '
          Chewing her lips she waited for the medallion to do something, maybe it was broken?


@_QueenBxtch_ Zenda leaned against a tree watching her with raised eyebrow. 


@Zenda_ The medallion flared up again, though this time it seemed to be even giving off an emotion, as if exposed to Oblitus' memories so suddenly. Oblitus felt the pain from it, but didn't so much as grunt or even exhale sharply at the feeling. It was almost like he didn't even feel it, it seemed. 
            Zwei curled up a little more, a little tighter around Oblitus' location. 
            "Why didn't you come sooner..." he asked slowly. "This... year, was it... has been so long. Every minute of every day trapped in this same spot. Sunrise used to be beautiful, you know..." He closed his eyes, not that she'd have seen it anyways. "Even if I had the energy, these chains stop me from being able to do anything. Watch." 
            After instructing her on the simple action, as long as she was still holding the medallion, she would be able to see the first couple of weeks of his being trapped. Everything he tried to do to get out. The screams that held nothing but hatred to them for the man who put him in the position. And then, it played the first sliver of doubt before Oblitus cut off the medallion's link to his memories. 
            "Suppose," he said simply, "for a minute I do come back... then what?"


Zenda shrugged, "He's hurt me once or twice." She said in a mumble before wincing at his reply. "Well I want you too." Zenda said but she was at a lost on how to get him out. @OblitusWolf


@Zenda_ "Lucky guy," Oblitus said and then lowered his head again. Zwei would definitely be frowning at this point. No, he thought, it shouldn't be like that. It was all wrong. Zwei dismissed the thoughts—bias and opinions would accomplish nothing, but he knew its effect on Oblitus without even looking at him. He could hear it in Oblitus' voice, likely far easier than Zenda would, as he was familiar with it. 
            "I'm not stalling anything," Oblitus added. "I have no reason to leave," he said simply, tiredly. "I'm not even sure if I want to at this point."