
Oi gostaria de convidá-los a ler a minha história original chama-se " as últimas memórias de uma adolescente morta " 
          Sipotese : Enquanto tenta lidar com todos os sentimentos que vieram com a morte da melhor amiga, Pedro descobre que Laura deixou-lhe um diário um seis passagens que retratam o quão cansada e degradada foi ficando, levando por consequência a que ela suicídasse. Um misto de sentimentos e à procura por respostas levam Pedro a mergulhar na parte escondida da vida da amiga e a superar a culpa e a finalmente deixa-la ir.
          Atualizo diariamente. 
          Se quiserem passar por lá e ler são sempre bem-vindo. 


Hi, just wondering is there a story that precedes Abnormal Tragedy? I wasn’t sure since the synopsis seems to suggest something happening  with Legolas prior to this story.
          And is there any connection between your different books or an order they are best read in as few carry similar themes. Or are the books/stories completely standalone even if related or same characters are featured in each?
          Just making sure I read them correctly if they are any correlations.


@SnowfakesElegance hey, so sorry for this late reply. I’ve just seen this. I was originally going to write a story which was set before ‘abnormal tragedy’ but have been soo busy with school work that I haven’t had time. Also all the stories are standalone.


          I wanted to ask if I could translate your HP FF into German so that you can read it with me in Germany. Would be nice if you could answer me. 
          Greetings Lea 


Thank you and Of course I do mark you 


@officiall3a Of course! That would be lovely, though do please tag me.