The Zenith Muysen wiki will soon feature exclusive 'voicelines' and texts not included in stories themselves! See them as the voice-line tab in Hoyoverse games!
The Zenith Muysen wiki will soon feature exclusive 'voicelines' and texts not included in stories themselves! See them as the voice-line tab in Hoyoverse games!
I've decided to republich Full Retribution as it will serve as extra lore for a later storyline. Today, the story will be republished and public to read.
I've also decided to re-use the concept characters of "I'm The Main Character Of My Own Story" in a new story that will be titled Universal Stage.
Dear readers,
I've decided that my work "Full Retribution" will never be making a comeback. This means that there will only be details about it in the wiki.
Dear fans, I have started a different account called @UnZenithverse, which will be mainly focusing on less deep and less well-thought about stories that sometimes seem as stupid as some anime titles. It is just an experiment of mine, please don't cancel me for those stories because the idea probably came from a joke. The reality rules apply the same (everything happens in reality-02 in 2014).
I have been thinking about completely cancelling "I'm The Main Character Of My Own Story" due to a lack of inspiration and due to its lack of popularity. If you object, please reply to this post.
Due to copyright accusations, Sharjasanian Chronicles: Premium's Trials Of Delirium will be delayed and written two months later than expected.
Instead, realist-oriented projects will be given priority. The following things are planned:
-He With A Thousand Scars
-Sojourner's Pursuit
-I'm The Main Character Of My Own Story
-Fight Crab Volume 2
Stay peak folks