Hey everyone, Sorry for not updating because of you know college and life related stuff. I just wanna say that at this point my Wattpad writing days are kinda over, I just can't find the time to be able to write due to me following my career path.........and honestly it's so sad for me to say that it is over since way back in 2019 to 2022, those where the years I had a blast making fun fanfictions for people's enjoyment, but now I think I need to focus on different things.
So as of today, the stories won't be getting updates anytime soon.
To the people who read my stories about lovelive fanfictions, I'm so happy and grateful for all your support, you guys made my Wattpad days so memorable.
And if you want you guys can make your own continuation of my other stories, it's totally fine with me, but give me credit to it,
That's all, and I hope you guys live your life how you want it. And a happy new year!