
Raykazai Productions is an international multimedia production team founded by Zena Airale, SOTE, Elina Sakura, Spinjitzu Master Falcon, and Pheobe Orionrobots. Zena dedicates Raykazai's projects to her family, friends, and the people she has known over the years. Raykazai aims to bring attention to some of the lesser-known, more nuanced fan-made stories that reflect diverse backgrounds, identities, and experiences. Our original content will also focus on destigmatizing mental health, and inspiring recovery from generational or relational trauma and pain. Our collaborations happen primarily on Discord, and many of the early team members are from the LEGO Ninjago fandom (Zena's favorite show at the time). 
          	Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XpqD8GQ2H5
          	Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ninjagomastersofharmony
          	Website: https://sites.google.com/view/ninjagorealmofharmony/home


Raykazai Productions is an international multimedia production team founded by Zena Airale, SOTE, Elina Sakura, Spinjitzu Master Falcon, and Pheobe Orionrobots. Zena dedicates Raykazai's projects to her family, friends, and the people she has known over the years. Raykazai aims to bring attention to some of the lesser-known, more nuanced fan-made stories that reflect diverse backgrounds, identities, and experiences. Our original content will also focus on destigmatizing mental health, and inspiring recovery from generational or relational trauma and pain. Our collaborations happen primarily on Discord, and many of the early team members are from the LEGO Ninjago fandom (Zena's favorite show at the time). 
          Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XpqD8GQ2H5
          Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ninjagomastersofharmony
          Website: https://sites.google.com/view/ninjagorealmofharmony/home


Zena Airale's Server
          We're all about collaborating, sharing, conversation, and more! We have a wide variety of topics however we’re always listening to suggestions from the community. The sky is the limit.
          Join the server to chat with members of the community!
          > __Features__
          > • Creative showcase channels 
          > • Fandom Channels and roles
          > • Roleplaying
          > • Memes
          > • React roles and color bot roles to choose from
          > • Voice and Stage channels 
          > • Level Roles
          > • Multiple bots of many different kinds


Project Rogue
          A Video Game
          An indie video game exploring the misadventures of Hero and chaos that ensues!
          We're looking for...
          > -Programmers
          > -Writers
          > -Artists
          > -Musicians
          > -Composers
          > -Audio Producers/Mixers
          > -Graphic Designers
          > -Level Designers
          > -Acapella Singers
          > -Foley Artists
          Discord Server: https://discord.gg/GgFgSEZu7Z