Did you just randomly translate The light in the sea to swedish? Im a swed myself and I can confirm that the translation is correct. But if swedish persons stumble over your story they would find the title really dull. I thought it would be good for you to know

@ThunderBolt878 I love the way you say that XD Danish and Swedish both come from Old Norse, so that's why they're so similar, right?

@ ThunderBolt878 Ljuset i havet: That is correct. The danish and the swedish language are very similar. Just that to us danish people sounds like they are suffocating when they speak.

@ThunderBolt878 Sorry to get to this so late! I don't go on here much anymore. Thank you for the insight! I actually translated the title to Danish, since H.C. Anderson (the original The Little Mermaid author) is Danish :) So "lyset i havet" probably sounds old to you! The correct translation in Swedish that would sound better would be "Ljuset i Havet", right?