
Okay so I had a week I was very sick and thus putting me behind on other things. Next week I think I will be very busy and thus the last few chapters of Twisted love will have to wait for their edit over.
          	I completed up through 38 so it's only a handful of chapters to work through including the half done chapter which has sat for so long as a draft. I look forward to new chapters when I am able to but for now I must handle other things. Hopefully in march I can finish editing the old chapters so new can be written.


Okay so I had a week I was very sick and thus putting me behind on other things. Next week I think I will be very busy and thus the last few chapters of Twisted love will have to wait for their edit over.
          I completed up through 38 so it's only a handful of chapters to work through including the half done chapter which has sat for so long as a draft. I look forward to new chapters when I am able to but for now I must handle other things. Hopefully in march I can finish editing the old chapters so new can be written.


Now up to chapter 32 of twisted Love is edited. It's looking good so far. I still got a good bit to go over before new chapters can be added. I will let you all know when it's time for that. 
          I would want to get a backlog made so I can better guarantee you a chapter once every other week. When I get to that. I am thinking 10 chapters would be a good buffer. I look forward to getting to it.


With having finishing going over chapter 26 of twisted love I get to the section that may need more edits and alterations. I will continue to go through it as I can as I get the flow going as I go over each chapter before writing more.


With 21 chapters of Twisted Love edited over, I am halfway through it. I got a lot to do still but I am making progress. I hope you all enjoy it as I get back to it. Once I get through the old chapters then I will get to making new chapters.


Editing is coming along as I have now gotten all the way through 17 complete on twisted love. Still a lot to go but I am working on it when I can. 
          I know that later chapters may need more then slight edits as they may need sections fixed. But bit by bit I am getting there.


Now with 12 chapters looked over on twisted love, I finished an arc of the story. Oh how I missed it. I can't wait to get to the other 3/4ths of the story. 
          So much to go but progress is being made which means the sooner I can start up writing again. 


At this point I have done my minor alterations as I read over the first 8 chapters of twisted love. 
          Oh how I missed the story and it feels so enticing to do more then a chapter at a time. 
          I will continue going over it as I can. 
          It feels so massive as it is being just 8 chapters back in. I am remembering plans I had and am excited to get back to the story you all enjoyed.
          Hope anyone who read it in the past may return to it as I improve it and especially when I actually get to adding new chapters again.


It has begun, I just finished reading over the first chapter of twisted love, I got a long way to go but I will take it one chapter at a time as I can as I fix up little issues here and there. If I do anything big like rewriting pieces that will be in those last few chapters before my long break. 
          I may give updates on how it's going every so often. I look forward to getting back to it. And with getting back into it I look forward to how it forms and the big moments that will come later.
          Twisted Love will return!!!!


Hey ya'll, It's been a while. If you missed my author's update on twisted Love, let me clue you in on what is going on.
          So late last year I finally moved, out of my mold infested place I live in for like 7 years. The mold had pushed me into survival mode which left me unable to create much that last over a year. 
          After the move it took me over a month before the brain fog of being there started to lift and thus my vocabulary started to return to me. I had to rest and started to take things slow.
          In December I decided I would get back to the things I had been neglecting. So in starting the new year I started to get my YouTube going with content as I wanted to get that up and rolling first.
          The second thing on my list was to return to you all. I am starting to read over my short Orochimaru x Kabuto fanfic as I get back into the groove. Once I finish that which also let's me to fix spelling errors, I will be going over to Twisted Love, Reading over each chapter to make sure it is fixed up and flows. Which once I fixed over the old chapters, I will start working on new chapters with the goal to get to bi-weekly posting of chapters. 
          I have missed you guys and your comments. So with shooting high this year I wanted to get the story rolling again for all of you who have waited over a year to read what happens next. Wondering where the story will head to. I will be returning and hope maybe by late February to mid March to gift you all a new chapter to enjoy.
          If you want to support me on other platforms find me:
          YouTube: www.youtube.com/@Siren_Melodic
          Bluesky: bsky.app/profile/sirenmelodic.bsky.social


Okay, so this is a small type of update on me. I have suffered with anxiety for most of my life and didn't realize how bad it was until recently as it kept me from being able to get into the writing mood. Yesterday I started a medicine to see if it could help me handle it better, which for me it has helped. I will have to take it for a while to see how it goes. If it goes well enough who know maybe my long fanfic will get back active as I feel up to working on it. 


@rachel-5291 Thanks, I am trying my best and want to get back to the story as I miss it and miss the comments.


@ZenyaMotoki I hope you get better and don't worry about us readers you health comes first. Take care.