
Hey all!
          	I'm finally back with another Devil May Cry related story, so please do check out my newest book: Vergil's Oneshots.
          	It's still on the way to go, but please drop votes,comments or any further ideas! Looking forward to seeing what you guys think of how I've described Vergil.


@ZerlinaQuinn Thank you. Right now, I'm writing two fanfics called Renegade Zim-Time Trigger; an Invader Zim fanfic where it focuses on Zim trying to get revenge on his race after finding out his mission is a fake while encountering one of the new government's, called SEG (Swollen Eyeball Government) officers who completely changes everything.  The second one is called Heroes of the Azure Vol 1; Ragna was approached by a mysterious woman in blue who wanted his help and the two created a new alternative multiverse where multiple universes were combined and everything is familiar, yet very different. Twenty four years after the creation is finished, Ragna, who is now a famous bounty hunter, and his new crew went to his new homeland where it's the start of his new adventure. All of the chapters are split into nine-eleven parts to make the readers have an easier time reading, especially if they're reading it by phone. So, I hope you check it out and give me some advice for some improvements since you seemed to be a very experienced writer, so I really hope you would look at it. You don't have to if you don't want to, just do it in your own time, okay?


@ZerlinaQuinn Thanks for the encouragement! Its comments like these that keep me writing. Keep on keeping on and eventually you will definitely upgrade to be a fantastic writer.


@ZerlinaQuinn I'm really looking forward to it and I hope you keep being a fantastic writer, since I really see myself as an average writer, but I tried to be a really good one just like you! Ps. You should totally see some of my plot ideas fanfic ideas as a way to get people to vote what ideas I should write up.


Hello Miss Zerlina I don't mean to be rude or offen your work because I love it but for the Vergils oneshot I umm would like to ask if you add scenarios with JUST Lady and Vergils cause seeing how Vergils thinks of lady as a weakling cause she just human and Lady personally I would fine it interesting for the Dark Knight and the Different Eye Hunter engaging in one another but if you can't I'm ok with that your books are really interesting either way


@Darkareaders Wow that seems like quite a bit of ideas you have there. Alright, I will figure out something and get back to you soon!


@ZerlinaQuinn Well there was a sense when lady was crying and Vergils walked passed her maybe the Scenario can start there with them having a heart to heart or After Vergils finds his way out with Dante out the under world maybe have Nero Force everyone to say sorry starting Lady or have him in the DMC by himself and Lady comes along or have them have a hangover because of Dante and they do it on accident and they weirdly talk about that or Go hunting demons and he sees how skilled she is despite being a demon or have them fight each other or Simply do you I know you can find perfect scenarios with them


Also, thanks for your compliment, I'm always glad that people still appreciate my oneshots after so long. It is literally the longest running book I've written, but the ideas haven't run out yet. Even I am amazed


I just wanted to say I love your work and your a very good writer and I was wanting to ask if you could do a vergil x reader I'd love to read it but you don't have to if you don't want to I just I haven't been able to find many sorry to bother and keep up the good work 


@TabithaBlevins Thank you for your kind words! One of the reasons why I don't have many character x reader stories is because when I come up with story ideas, I tend to have clear ideas of what personality my original characters should have, and the relationship dynamics with the dmc characters! This restricts a lot of imagination from the reader's side (because not everybody can connect to the described personality).
            I have a few requests on hand at the moment, but once I clear them, I will try to see what I can do. No high hopes, though, because I am really terrible at writing an open-ended character that usual xReader stories have. 
            I am sorry, but please do get back to me if you have more requests!


Hi, I have a funny idea, what if doom guy was transported to the world of Devil may Cry and slaughtered the demons there before the Dmc cast could fight the demons they were supposed to fight


@Jerky77 I see, I see. I like the idea quite well, but I'm unfortunately not very familiar with Doom as I actually do not really fancy first-person shooter games. I'm not sure if I can write the Doom Slayer's character and weapons well since I have never played the game, but I guess I will try somehow!


Doom guy is from Doom and he will literally destroy any demon that gets in his way and heck he has a Big F****** Gun that can kill an entire horde of demons or a giant demon


@Jerky77 Hi, thanks for the idea! Just to clarify... 'doom guy' from which franchise? I'm afraid I don't think I recall any doom guy from any of the games I have played...


i am so glad to see you're still active here! i cant wait to catch up on what I've missed the past few years. you were always my favorite author!! im so sad i missed out on rereading my favorites again though  anyways, hope all is well!


@Jazmineklr welcome back! Im actually quite surprised that there was anyone who would ask for the Family of Devils series because I always thought it was not a popular read. The Devils Never Cry and subsequent Family of Devils series were written when I was young, imaginative and innocent, and I may seem a little harsh on myself but even I didn't think they weren't that good. I took them off the accounts because I was embarrassed of them and if I were to re-upload the whole series again it would definitely need a whole bunch of editing that I'm not prepared for. So I'm really sorry to say this, but I have no plans on letting them surface anytime in the near future. If you really want to read them again, PM me and we can work things out!
            Anyways, real glad that you came back and reached out to me! Thank you! 


@ZerlinaQuinn I've just been catching up here and there, feels like coming home a bit lol. I was wondering if there was a chance you'd ever put Family of Devils back up? Those books were fantastic. I know this site doesn't get as big a following with it's set up, but there's one I think youd have a lot of success in if you need a new platform to share your talent


@JazmineMiller9 I'm so glad that you come back to read my book even after a few years! Im happy that you even remembered me out of so many wattpad writers out there writing fanfictions. Do enjoy reading everything you have been missing out on! Leave a comment to tell me what you like or dont, or if you have any ideas you want seen written! 


I'm disappoint at myself cause didn't found amazing one shot writer until now. I trully love your story especially Vergil one shot cause it gave me so much ideas to write my upcoming new story. As a newbie writer I wanna say thank you for doing this inspiring story and do keep it up! Cant wait for ur new one shot!
          Oh and I do have ideas for ur Vergil one shot that I would love to share with you if you accept ideas or request or something u wanna call. Its actually from one of ur story call 'sane insanity' where there is the character with personality disorder met Vergil. Imagine Vergil n Dante is actually the same person but dint realise because they have different thinking. Vergil think Dante always hide from him whenever some chaos he did n hope Vergil will fix it.
          I have like more ideas but quite buzy with work these few months. I do hope this gives u ideas for ur new oneshot.
          Till here I write~


@Kushina_korra95 Hi! Im really glad that you took the time to write me such a long message; I really appreciate it! If you wish to thank me for writing my stories, then let me thank you for reading and enjoying them! Not only are my stories written for myself, but I also aim to provide entertainment and creative ideas for anyone who reads my stories :)
            As for the story request, let me message you directly and we can discuss about it


I'm sure you've been asked this before but are you going to write a sequel to Dante's Angel? It's honestly one of the best DMC stories I've read! :)


@CamilaL1210 Thank you for the compliment! Do remember to leave comments and vote :)


I totally will, you are really talented :) 


@CamilaL1210 Hi! im glad you have enjoyed it well :) Unfortunately, Dante's Angel was meant as a standalone fanfiction. If you are looking for more, you can try my other DMC fanfiction series or oneshots :)