
I really enjoyed reading "Rosheen".


@lulu-raimone Yep, Black Tapes is the one I self published. Pretty easy to do if you ever decide to do it through Amazon.
            I hope you continue to pursue your writing! Seems like you have a good sense on how to self-improve (which I feel is pretty much most of the battle). I just force myself to write a little bit everyday. Much easier said than done, but it's so satisfying to keep at something like this long-term. I'll make sure to check on your Wattpad profile every so often if you ever decide to post anything.


@Vermicide Yes and no. I had written before, but I wasn't really happy with what I was writing.
            The stories were very messy, and always lacked some things. So, I decided to walk away from it all... but only for the time being.
            At the moment, I am learning all that I can to be better, so that when I do eventually give writing another chance, I will not only be happy with my writing, but proud of it, too.
            Also, I hope you do get published one day. 
            Is the book that you self published, one of the books that's here on Wattpad?


@lulu-raimone Honestly, no. I've just been sending out emails to agents. No bites so far, but we'll see.
            Are you a writer yourself? I'm always on the lookout for more to read :)