Oh cool. I just remembered that today is the 4 Year Anniversary of my Wattpad Page. And I got out the start of a new story the day before from a series near and dear to my heart. I'd say I planned this, but I didn't because I forgot about the Anniversary, in fact, my newest story was originally supposed to come out three weeks ago, but I kept pushing it back in favor of The Owl House One-Shots for the new episodes, so it's just a coincidence I posted the story right before my Anniversary. LOL.
Yet, despite that I'm still thankful for all of you who have actually chosen to read and follow any of my stories, I never imagined when I started this page 4 years ago it would be as big as it is now. I mean it's not that big compared to other people's pages, but for me, this is a lot more than I was expecting when I first started so I'm happy for that. :)