HI. Check out Advanced Bravely, and Lawless Gangster. OMG !!! GREAT reads. I am reading Addicted Now: 1 - 45. Welcome abroad BLfans.

@Athena1055 I always say great minds think alike. Eng Sub Bl on you tube by Kiyoshi Ryota. He is absolutely wonderful. When you get the time do so. I have been following him for over two years now. You will not regret it. Let me know what you think. Well off to study.

@Athena1055 hi Athena!!! I'm going to start reading Advanced Bravery too :) I haven't even watched the series yet so I'm absolutely spoiler free :) I'm all caught up on Lawless Gangster. I love it!! Addicted is soooo good. It's gotta be my fave bl web series and bl novel (at least for now). Those boys.. so many feels!!! I recognized your profile pic from MDL so when I was reading Lawless gangster and saw you in the comments I thought to myself "oh I know this person" :)

Thanks for following my profile fellow Kdrama lover :) I checked out your blog, it looks pretty cool and loved your art stuff!

@lonelycauliflower Hi. You're welcome. Let me know you think. When reading do not stop. When you to Chapter 50. : ))))

@Athena1055 I did end up starting advanced Bravery to get a feel for the characters. Soon I will start the novel :) have a nice weekend :)

@Athena1055 You guys know what, I started out on a discussion group on My drama list when it first started watching it on you tube by the subber I mentioned, then o e day someone on my Drama List recommended reading the book. Of course I had to go there, and once I started reading the book. Well it just goes without saying, Anne is doing an excellent job with the translations, now I believe it is up to 108 chapters. I have read them all twice now, because that's how good the book truly is, totally different from the uploads, but I saw the uncut version of this series, which was like the book. But unfortunately the Kiyoshi Ryota had to remove it from his channel. He even did Double Mints the film. Great BL film from Japan by the way. So yeah if you want read the book first then if you like look at the series. I did and am doing both still. Enjoy guys. Laters. : ))