
Am fost provocata de o "vaca" a. k. a @Deny_26,sa spun zece chestii care ma fac fericita. Pai..:
          	1. Muzica. 
          	2.Sa dorm cat vreau dimineata. 
          	4. Discutiile "profunde" la telefon de la 1 noaptea. Persoane privilegiate alea =)))
          	5.Ăăă...,sa citesc ocarte misto,fantasy love preferabil. 
          	6.Sa stau cu pretenii desi nu am multi inca. 
          	8. Ziua cand imi iau permisul. Oh daa❤️❤️. 
          	9. Anumite lucruri marunte. 
          	10. Faptul ca am terminat asta duh=))))) 
          	Na făh ca l-am facut :))Speșăl pentru tine si valoarea ta. 
          	O provoc pe @Crazy-Moose :3


Eu vorbeam serios dar...ma rog. 
          	  Vai merci,pufulete. :3 


Hi. I'm Zinger. Would you like to check out our book and maybe participate in our events if you're interested? It's not all competitive events of you're wondering. Hope to see you at our fest!!
          Please let me know if this promotion bothered you.


            Btw we have similar names :)


Hey! Thank you so much for reading "Knowing Xavier" ^_^ really hope you like it and don't hesitate to share your views ❤️


Haha, oh, wow, thank you so much for these kind words and such a though-out review. This really means the world to me ^_^ I'm so glad you like the characters. I always try to make my characters down to earth and realistic so I'm truly glad you like them. Thank you for the follow too. Glad I could keep you interested and satisfied ❤️❤️❤️


Hello! I do really  like it.  But to my own surprise, not for the reason I thought at first. I was browsing, looking for some bad boy/ teenage light drama and I have to admit that the title and cover made me open it. But “Knowing Xavier” is so much more realistic and different. 
                I like that Haley has such a good relationship with her dad which I have to say is rare nowadays — and rarely promoted in teenage books. We always read how teens rebel against their parents and sometimes we think that if we don’t do so it’s something wrong with us. 
              Also, I love how Xavier is not the cliche bad boy. He’s actually not a bad boy at all, despite what they all think. And I mostly refer to the fact that he’s not arrogant, proud, smug, aware of his good looking physics and always using that to get what he wants. He’s shy and quiet and doesn’t know how to act when someone talks to him or shows him kindness.  And I also loved that part when Haley tried to figure out who was the girl he liked. Poor Haley, so blinded by those feelings  :)) 
                   Love it. ❤️ Can’t wait to read more. 


Mulțumesc pentru voturi. :) :* 


Uuu. Facultate. Uuu. Ce mare tu este:)). Hehe,scriu in autobuz uneori :))


Da, scriu pe la facultate, prin cafenele, pe stradă. :))


Mersi:). Uau. Ai ceva timp sa scrii zilnic asa mult. Ei,poate par eu dusa da eu n am deloc timp so :))


Am fost provocata de o "vaca" a. k. a @Deny_26,sa spun zece chestii care ma fac fericita. Pai..:
          1. Muzica. 
          2.Sa dorm cat vreau dimineata. 
          4. Discutiile "profunde" la telefon de la 1 noaptea. Persoane privilegiate alea =)))
          5.Ăăă...,sa citesc ocarte misto,fantasy love preferabil. 
          6.Sa stau cu pretenii desi nu am multi inca. 
          8. Ziua cand imi iau permisul. Oh daa❤️❤️. 
          9. Anumite lucruri marunte. 
          10. Faptul ca am terminat asta duh=))))) 
          Na făh ca l-am facut :))Speșăl pentru tine si valoarea ta. 
          O provoc pe @Crazy-Moose :3


Eu vorbeam serios dar...ma rog. 
            Vai merci,pufulete. :3 