
alright people! Today is a special day! All my FF's are being put to a pause. A timeout. For now ofc. I just got really inspired to write a FF of, HTTYD! Yea boisss. Anyways, I'm going to start on writing in a few minutes. I hope you enjoy the FF as I will be taking my time on it.


alright people! Today is a special day! All my FF's are being put to a pause. A timeout. For now ofc. I just got really inspired to write a FF of, HTTYD! Yea boisss. Anyways, I'm going to start on writing in a few minutes. I hope you enjoy the FF as I will be taking my time on it.


Hey guys, just wanna let y'all know that I'm going to put a hold on all of my FF's. I want to make a story of myself. Literally myself. No superpowers only human understanding and the real world. I won't drop my FF's don't worry but I want to  make this story, like something is telling me to make it. All love everyone, I promise to get back into the other Fan-fictions once I'm done. I promise on the river Styx.