Bottom Liam is Life! 

I'm one of those people that are purple little butterflies but can turn into green dangerous snakes in a moment.

I'm bi but not out and I don't think I'll ever be, I live in a toxic but
healthy family if you know what I mean

In love with Tom Felton
Robert Pattinson is my husband
But Johnny Depp is my daddy
Ariana Grande's my wife
And Bella Hadid is my mama
But Bellatrix is that woman (hp)

I love food and Artict Monkeys
Votka is gay and my best friend
Slytherin bae

Liam and Zayn are together change my mind.

I'm scared of dogs that's why I say I hate them

I hate the ocean but I love the beach
(Does that make sense?)

One day I'm gonna have 7 kids and hopefully all of them are gay

If you love long slow drives call me ,
If you love fast rides and want to recreate The Fast and Furious famous scene also call me.

Music is life.

If you think a bit you'll see that the hero will sacrifice you for the world and the villain would sacrifice the world for you.
Besides that the villains always have more fun.

Lots of love don't treat people with kindness because you're gonna get hurt and do it the tommo way cuz why not. - ♓ E
  • in her own imaginary world lost in the sky
  • JoinedJune 17, 2019

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