

@Alternate_Reality  hi you wrote to me a while back. I've read your message again and saw my mistake. I apologize if I offended your girlfriend and you I don't have anything againts bi, gays or anybody. Not everyone believes in God I wasn't really thinking. But that doesn't give you a right to call him unnecessary names. I'm going to be a bigger person and ignore the things you told me because one they are fake and two I am better then that. And don't want to upset you again. My apologies.  Xx 


That message is two months old, and you're just now deciding to address it? As much as I appreciate your apology, perhaps it should have been left unsaid.


Where in the hell did you get the idea that it was perfectly okay to go off on my girlfriend like that? What did she do? In case you didn't know, she lives in a magical land called America, where it is perfectly okay to express your opinions. She expressed her opinion, as always, in a semi-calm, but nonetheless well-collected manner. You, however, were extremely immature and proved to us all through your lack of punctuation that you have failed your English class every year since you started your education. You also proved that your obsession with your magical all-powerful-cloud-dweller somehow blinds you from seeing and accepting other people's beliefs. Assuming this was brought upon you by your parents (seeing as typically the beliefs of parents are passed on to their children) I can only shake my head because this is the 21st century, and the more hate we spread the more likely we are to start a nuclear war and blow this whole damned planet up. I can only hope that someday, somehow, you come to either see the error of your ways or come to love someone of the same sex. Or possibly, even better, come to love someone of a different religion. Because what you believe does not define who you are as a person. Religion should be the last thing you care about in a person. 
          In conclusion, learn how to use an apostrophe and open your mind.


this message may be offensive
Why can't people leave the boys relationships alone like your not the one fucking in it and you don't need to be judging it either way your supposed to be happy for the boys no matter what not bitching about it because your not the girl. Don't they have anything better to do then judge the girls. It doesn't matter if they are hired by modest but either way it's not your fucking problem. It's not you, the boys don't even know you exist. I sound like a bitch but it's true I'm not happy with Liam and sophia relationship I'll admit but I don't write a book or send hate on twitter. It's plain stupid and if they think they are all bad because they are bitching about something they THINK is true then one day they will look stupid and maybe be proven wrong. Then what? It's stupid and people need to grow up. If the relationship is fake then so what like i said it's not you so it's not your buisness so let it be. It's not like sending hate or writing about them will make them stop dating the boys.