are you still writing the “it’s all your fault” ?! if so where can I find it!? Your writing is so good and I haven’t read a book as good as bs&p in a LONG time! Thanks for being so amazing!!
Reading Lists
Oh my gosh, I’m the WORST at sticking to my dang word when it comes to social media. Legit, I feel like I belong in an isolated cottage with no wifi service from how much I sick at keeping up with society haha. Legit hermit. I keep saying, “imma gonna remove my story!” And then I don’t lmao. But I’m the SLOWEST PERSON EDITOR EVER. And there’s a loooot to edit. Along with balancing my paid writing projects, it’ll be a lil while. Sooo I’m just... probably going to disappear back into silence for a lil bit and uhh... not delete the story for a while. But like ... THE NEW REVAMPED AND MUCH BETTER BEER, SPAGHETTI, AND PHARMACEUTICALS WILL BE PUBLISHED SOON AND EVEN IF YOUVE READ IT YOULL LOVE SPENDING THE 3-5$ TO BUY THE NEW ONE ONLINE CUZ ITS GONNA BE BAAAALLLLLINNNN. WOOO!
@ZigmundFreudStardust Can't wait to read the heck out of the new one!!! Just reread the old one and I still adore it. Will be sad when it's no longer available to read.... *sobs* Anyway--where will the new version be published? (Also, congrats!)
@SoulBurningBright OH MY GOSH I LOVE WHEN PEOPLE CATCH THE REFERENCE! :))) psychology meets bowie :))
@ZigmundFreudStardust how exciting! But also, I just felt like saying that I JUST realized what your name was a play on. Oh my god, a psych nerd and a Bowie fan I am disappointed in myself lol.
are you still writing the “it’s all your fault” ?! if so where can I find it!? Your writing is so good and I haven’t read a book as good as bs&p in a LONG time! Thanks for being so amazing!!
Oh my gosh, I’m the WORST at sticking to my dang word when it comes to social media. Legit, I feel like I belong in an isolated cottage with no wifi service from how much I sick at keeping up with society haha. Legit hermit. I keep saying, “imma gonna remove my story!” And then I don’t lmao. But I’m the SLOWEST PERSON EDITOR EVER. And there’s a loooot to edit. Along with balancing my paid writing projects, it’ll be a lil while. Sooo I’m just... probably going to disappear back into silence for a lil bit and uhh... not delete the story for a while. But like ... THE NEW REVAMPED AND MUCH BETTER BEER, SPAGHETTI, AND PHARMACEUTICALS WILL BE PUBLISHED SOON AND EVEN IF YOUVE READ IT YOULL LOVE SPENDING THE 3-5$ TO BUY THE NEW ONE ONLINE CUZ ITS GONNA BE BAAAALLLLLINNNN. WOOO!
@ZigmundFreudStardust Can't wait to read the heck out of the new one!!! Just reread the old one and I still adore it. Will be sad when it's no longer available to read.... *sobs* Anyway--where will the new version be published? (Also, congrats!)
@SoulBurningBright OH MY GOSH I LOVE WHEN PEOPLE CATCH THE REFERENCE! :))) psychology meets bowie :))
@ZigmundFreudStardust how exciting! But also, I just felt like saying that I JUST realized what your name was a play on. Oh my god, a psych nerd and a Bowie fan I am disappointed in myself lol.
Omg please write more books!!! Love your writing so so much ❤️❤️
Thank you so much!!! There will absolutely be more (completed) books for me in the future :))
Hi I'd like to tell you how much I loved your book Highlight of my week honestly It was funny as refreshing, really glad I found it Also your reading list is on point it's saved my ass a whole lot
Oh my gosh, thank you so much!!!! Seriously, I needed to see this, thank you!! ♥️
Hello friends!! I have finally finished reading my own story wooo! It was so fun lmao. That’s the very first time I’ve forced myself to read the whole thing without giving up because I get too hard on myself! Like... I know it’s not a bad story but oof... it’s wayyyyyy more personal to me than I ever thought at the time when I was writing it. I’ve grown and changed a lot since writing it and there’s a lot of decisions the characters make that, at the time of writing with the level of maturity I had then, I thought were semi-acceptable. But now I’m right along with you guys in the comments like “OH MY GOD WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS YOU IDIOTS!?” But those are the best moments, too, so like... Cool. I’m ready to embrace the flawed characters and put them out into the world for the harsh critics to either rip apart or love! I’ve gotten a few DMs requesting it stays online longer and I see a lot of people have added it to their reading lists this past week. For that reason I’m going to keep Beer, Spaghetti, and pharmaceuticals up for ONE MORE WEEK! It’s marked in my calendar now! Next Sunday I’m gonna be removing it. So if anyone would like to finish it, I def can’t expect ppl to read faster than me lol. And it took a week so yeah! One more week to finish up before I’m removing it from wattpad! If you want to see me flail around Twitter like a newbie, send me a DM!
I’m the slowest reader ever lol!! I’m on chapter 15 out of 26 of the ones I want to read before before removing! I’m gonna stop with the timers and uhhh... just gonna say sometime VERY SOON I’ll be removing this and I’ll give a 24 hrs notice as soon as I’m done reading it! :))) Haha it’s always so much harder to read when it’s your own work and you’re cringing at all the typos and awkward sentences Oof. That’s what rewrites are for amiright!?
Hello frenz! A 12-24 hour extension until B, S, & P is taken down! I want to finish reading it myself on here but sadly, it’s Monday, and work beckons. Monday, pfft.
Hello again, frenz! Roughly 24 hours to go until Beer, Spaghetti, and Pharmaceuticals is removed from wattpad. Makes me a lil bit choked up, reading through all the comments knowing I’m gonna unpublish them. :’( youre all amazing ♥️. But it leads me to an odd request from Wattpadeans. Guys- I am requesting a roast. Of my characters and my story. I want to hear your guys’ brutally honest, even mean, feedback on my story. If you’ve read it and enjoyed it, but hated the characters at times, I’d love to hear why. If there were parts that were boring or stupid, please let me know. Also, if you’re a new writer who is feeling discouraged and wants to rip some random stranger’s story to shreds, hyper critiquing every action or typo in it, for 24 hours I would be honoured to be your metaphorical punching bag. It’s good to be kind, never ever ever treat another author’s work like this. Our stories are our BABIES and should be treated as such. Buuut... I’ve got 24 hours left of hearing the harshest critiques I could get on my rough draft from a relatively large audience, and trust me, I can take it. ;) ROAST! ROAST! ROAST!
Good morning, friends and frenz! It has been a really long time since I’ve been around but I’m thrilled to say that it’s because I’ve managed to luck out and turn writing into a full-time career. And it’s all thanks to Wattpad and this fantastic community, giving me the courage to gain a voice through written words. Which brings me to my next point. After a lot of messing around with ideas, moments of crippling self-doubt, tireless nights analyzing over character arcs... It’s time to publish Beer, Spaghetti, and Pharmaceuticals. For real this time. Coming this fall!!!! It will be a Duology series. The first part which will be published this fall will be quite similar to what you’ve read, but the second part will be an entirely rewritten story that I think everyone is going to LOVE!!! But, due to publishing, this means that it’s time to remove the majority of the story off of wattpad. Oh, it’s a heartbreaking day for me to announce that. It’s like an end of an era. Le sigh. Anyways, I guess here it goes! In 48 hours I will be removing Beer, Spaghetti, and Pharmaceuticals to begin promoting the story! :) Last chance to read the unedited Isaac, Alice, Blaise, and Emily stumble around new adulthood, cluelessly navigating careers and love. If you’d like to follow me on Twitter, I’d be thrilled!!! I’m a bit of a privacy narc and don’t want to post my handle here, but send me a message and I’ll follow you on my author account!! Love you all! TL;DR: in 48 hours, Beer, Spaghetti, and Pharmaceuticals will be removed in order to publish and promote WOOOOO LOVE YOU ALL !
@ZigmundFreudStardust Alright thank you for telling me. I've started re reading it and I'm planning on reading as much of it as I can now over the weekend when I have more free time. I've been really busy this week. You're not the only one that sucks at a having a schedule and putting a timer on things. From what I've heard and the recommendations I've gotten from people, Amazon and amazon kindle is pretty good. I'm exploring that option myself for when I'm ready to publish as well. I would actually really like that, if you're willing to help me! ☺️
@ZigmundFreudStardust Did you follow my account or my joint account? What's your username!?
Weee! Check out Beer, Spaghetti, and Pharmaceuticals’ new book cover after years of having the same dinky Canva one!!! Illustrated by none other than my amazing sister!!! Thank you so much, it looks amazing!!! ❤️❤️ https://my.w.tt/mGbuXh6Qb7
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