
          	Iā€™ve had a serious writing block for a while. I kept trying to get back the way words used to just flow onto my page like they used to, but all I really ended up doing was abandoning BOTH of my projects, Golden Kids and RICOCHET. So hereā€™s what Iā€™ll be doing:
          	Golden Kids is my top priority at the moment since 1. It only has two chapters and 2. A lot more people over on ao3 want more. Very excited to return to that universe, anyways.
          	Then ricochet. Ricochetā€™s next chapter is VERY important in the story, so I need to make sure itā€™s done right. 
          	Andā€¦ thatā€™s about all. Enjoy when itā€™s out! Iā€™ll upload teasers occasionally.


          Iā€™ve had a serious writing block for a while. I kept trying to get back the way words used to just flow onto my page like they used to, but all I really ended up doing was abandoning BOTH of my projects, Golden Kids and RICOCHET. So hereā€™s what Iā€™ll be doing:
          Golden Kids is my top priority at the moment since 1. It only has two chapters and 2. A lot more people over on ao3 want more. Very excited to return to that universe, anyways.
          Then ricochet. Ricochetā€™s next chapter is VERY important in the story, so I need to make sure itā€™s done right. 
          Andā€¦ thatā€™s about all. Enjoy when itā€™s out! Iā€™ll upload teasers occasionally.


this message may be offensive
Me: I think Iā€™ll take a break from writing for a while, Iā€™m not interested in continuing either of my fan fictions right now so I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be able to write anything else
          Also me: writes a 10000 word fic that I will never post
          Seriously though. I need to just write shit and stop procrastinating smh expect new stuff from me at some point sorry lmao


Imagine abandoning your fan fiction and then you remember it once you have beaten writers block and look at all of the new unfinished projects you started as a result of your manic writing and now youā€™re looking at your word document graveyard like ā€œshitā€¦ ā€ anyways ricochet will be back soon once I figure out how to progress chapter five properly, but I plan to have a lot of stuff setting up the Real world and what SUNNY missed as well so lol. I also have a fic up on AO3 thatā€™s doing really well! I might cross post it here, but if any if yā€™all wanna check it out itā€™s called ā€œgolden kidsā€ itā€™s basically just angsty heromari lmao but yeah expect more from me soon


I wish I could write as much as you- I add like two words to a fic and then abandon it 


Youā€™re nearly at 100 reads! 


@PLANET-XIA0 (p.s. the fic is based on that one SAGUA au I made that I was rambling to you guys about)


@PLANET-XIA0 thanks ā¤ļø Iā€™m just trying to write what I want to rn. Iā€™m planning out a fic that Iā€™m going to put on ao3 instead of wattpad so it doesnā€™t bother anyone here lol. But yes itā€™s a hobby, something I enjoy, and Iā€™m going to make sure that what I am writing is something I enjoy too :D


Hey! Donā€™t feel pressured to finish it, if the ideas arenā€™t coming and you donā€™t have motivation you wonā€™t enjoy it! Itā€™s all just a bit of fun, take your time, and if you really donā€™t want to do it- donā€™t do it :)


Having a really bad writerā€™s block rn. I literally canā€™t do anything. I have so many ideas and plots weaving through my mind, but itā€™s teasing me because whenever I sit down to write them downā€¦ they just donā€™t flow right. I canā€™t find a way to express what Iā€™m thinking on a page today. I mean, I have the characters, I have the plot, I even have where they are and what theyā€™re meant to be doing, butā€¦ they just arenā€™t anywhere, or doing anything, or acting like people, if you know what I mean. I guess itā€™s just tricky for me to express myself today. I still want to try, Iā€™m nothing without my writing and I really love and enjoy it, but itā€™s a little more difficult today than usual, thatā€™s all.


Even when I try to take a break and just stop writing for a moment, and try to give myself a breather to think, all I can do is look at other stories, other fan fictions people have written it illustrated or whatever similar to mine and just think: ā€œI should be doing that. There are people out there waiting for me to do that. I want to do that.ā€ And I do. But when I try I just canā€™t.


Iā€™ve been working on a certain OMORI mod for almost a year now, and I wish I had made more progress on it than I have. When I have enough stuff ready for it Iā€™ll probably release something like a demo. Honestly I procrastinated on one face spritesheet for like months at this pointā€¦ motivation is harder to obtain than I thought haha


Thinking about PURI


I stoles you book hehehehehahahahahahahHAHAHAH


Apparently it's pronounced p-er-ee. I always thought it was pyer-ee


It's just now occuring to me that I don't know how to pronounce PURI


Update: chapter four is taken a little longer than I thought, especially because I changed a lot of things mid way,  so Iā€™ll be making a blog for anyone that wants to keep up with the AU/itā€™s progress. Iā€™m also happy to announce that RICOCHET will be cross posted on ao3 as well! So if you see it on there, say hello! Thank you for all the support, again!